
@Apoc28: Christianity does not as a general rule bill people for the religious services they provide. Scientology does.

"The battery warning is something you'll become familiar with..."

You don't need addons to do that. Go to the Sharing section of the system preferences, and change the computer name to your message. Bam, done.

@LukeDukem: Go back and read the second law. Entropy increases in an isolated system. If you have a machine that takes power from an outside source (heat, vibration, radio waves in the air, whatever) then it is NOT defying the second law, because the system is not isolated. So as long as something in the

A sixth grade teacher at an elementary school. Has anyone checked to make sure this isn't troll news?

@CivEng: We do have the right to travel as we see fit within the borders of our home without being irradiated/groped/tazed. That falls under the right of liberty, which is secured as an inalienable right of the citizens of the US by our Declaration of Independence.

@nacatak: Being unreasonably (and I consider nudity to be very unreasonable for boarding a plane) searched is very much a violation of the fourth amendment.

@yelraf: When the government was allowed to behave without any oversight, it has murdered the indians, sterilized black people, put citizens with Japanese ancestry in concentration camps, taken more of the indians' lands for good measure, and generally behaved monstrously. So if you have a better metaphor than a bag

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: Given that our ever-compentent Homeland Security people are publicly mulling over putting the same "security" in other transit systems in the country, not flying is not going to be a solution for long if we don't put a stop to this idiocy now.

Step 1: Get over yourself. Every time I've opted out of the nudity cancer machine, it has been in the defense of my rights. Your convenience does not supersede this. Every time I fly is national opt-out day for me. But hey, great writing, keep using non-judgmental words like 'tantrum' to describe people with

@mikehart526: "Flying is not a right, it's a privilege."

@kbftech: Conjoined twins have historically died more or less simultaneously. One set of organs can't support two bodies, so the living twin dies very soon after the other.

One of the main reasons I got a civic as my latest car was its dashboard. Hands-down my favorite instrument panel on any car ever. The actual important stuff is raised up for me to be able to be aware of without ever taking my eyes off the road, the less-important stuff is down lower where it's not cluttering up my

The Bing app has been doing photo searching for a while now. Plus it works dandy on the non-autofocus ipod touch 4G.

Are the high end programmable rice cookers suitable for things like soups and pastas and other non-ricey cooking? I was under the impression that their cooking cycles hinged on measuring the moisture on the food and would go haywire if you stuck a non-rice food inside.

@az060693: They have more raw processor power on paper, yes. But you have to bear in mind that a gaming system has everything optimized for the sole purpose of playing a game, and as such milks far more performance out of relatively modest hardware.

@MrGOH: I actually quite enjoyed Speed Racer. Not in a 'oh wow this is a great movie' way, but in a 'this bad movie is fun to watch, hey lookit the cars' way. It's a good example of a mindless fun movie, whereas Transformers was an example of a too-mindless unfun movie.

@Ridley: No, I'm not concerned about what some poor farmer with a rusty AK-47 on the other side of the planet is going to do to me.

@djmashedman: My 2G touch was crippled by OS4. I had to lose my savegames on everything to roll back to 3.12, but I'm still glad I did.

@Ridley: The iPod basically is an iPhone, so no real work for them to make facetime work on it. But yes, it's more than a little stupid for them to have this new video conference standard and not implement it on all of their computers with webcams built in.