
Ugh, I know. For some reason, a lot of people really like these packs...I'm not sure why myself, but it is what it is. Let them do it. I just don't know why everyone feels the need to be a dick about it.

Sing it with me, folks:

Oh this is going to be good.

OK, so this is my lifehacker pet peeve. It seems like so many articles about "repurposing" a common household item start with "Thing X is great, but Thing Y is use these four cheaper things to make Thing Y." That's good and all, except half the time, thing Y costs under $20. Seriously. Lifehacker does

Clementine is indeed The Walking Dead. I don't think anyone played through the entire game and didn't end up making a connection to her. Lee is a great character and the voice actor does a wonderful job, but in the end due to the actions you can make he'll always be an extension of you. The other characters can be

Likewise. I kind of want to see a followup, and I kind of don't. I'm not sure if they'd be able to capture lightning in a bottle twice. It's a great series that makes you question whether Light is doing the right thing or not. Sure he goes a bit crazy during it, but he does end up making the world a safer place.

Sudden clarity Death Note

What the hell do people have against Taco Bell, or any other fast food? Every time 'junk food' is mentioned here, it's done under the assumption that it's universally agreed upon that the item in question is terrible in taste/quality/healthiness/etc. I can't stand this style of review for something, even ones like

for those to ashamed of showing their Locos Taco colors, get it in a Cheesy Gordita Crunch. It keeps everything inside for a cleaner guilty pleasure

Isn't Taco Bell magical? Any time other than the latest of nights, it's an abomination. But with a friend, with midnight closing in, a Nacho Bell Grande is salvation.

actual ranch with nacho cheese doritos is also an amazing combo. crumble some nacho cheese doritos onto a taco salad, with a good amount of ranch. it will change your life

Dang it, and now I'm craving Taco Bell... the crunchwrap calls to me! As long as it's filled with lava sauce rather than nacho, of course.

I'm afraid this response was inevitable even before this NRA statement. Every time someone in the US with a (usually legally purchased) weapon goes on a rampage the gun lobby look to the wall of stereotypes that their middle-aged conservative audience are afraid of, and try to re-frame the debate to make it about

"Turn Off Seat Belt Alerts"