
Diabetes in a cookie, yum!

Ah the mass buildup of the powder at the top of the taco shell and what looks like no powder near the bottom. Would be nice if it actually looked like it was somewhat even across the whole shell then building up near the top worse than the water in a toilet after going nuts with tacos

This is actually one of the rare times I kind of agree with TriForce Johnson. With groups like the NRA and such, just going out and blaming video games for anything & everything will piss a good amount of people off and isn't always true. Just look like at a game like any GTA game, sure it may be violent but not every

You sir, are a genius

I know this may seem like old news, but what was it like during Sandy while dealing with the servers? Also where did you get the idea for Squarespace?

I agree, knowing humans we just want to complain to complain as well as we dont like change. With Windows 8 its just one slight change, the start menu full screen as the Start Screen, which can still launch apps and can still be used to search for apps.

The Start Menu isn't completely gone as its still in Windows 8 just formated slightly differently and can still be accessed just by hovering in the bottom left where the start button was.

What made you think to quit your job and go make music?