
I disagree that this is a bad thing. A sunscreen that disrupts estrogen levels is not something I want to be unknowingly putting all over my skin, which is a major organ and an absorptive one as well. Altering normal estrogen levels can lead to cancer, endometriosis, and other serious health problems. There are

Ah, bummer.

I have heard tell of a purse-authentication blog. It seems logical that they'd extend their expertise far enough to deal with change purses. I don't know the url, but a little bit of googling ought to turn something up.

Have you looked at Fresh Off The Boat? I haven't seen the show itself, but there are excerpts on Eddie Huang's blog— The portions I've seen show him and his dad eating soup dumplings at a restaurant in Taiwan (and then going to visit his grandfather's ashes-in-an-urn), and eating authentic

Augh, so I have to wait for video! Ah well, thanks for the explanation.

I don't understand the significance of the plastic surgeon's eyes not opening fully. Is the idea supposed to be that he's had too many treatments to be able to lift his eyelids? I ask because from what I've read, it's the opposite: a bad facelift/eyelift makes it impossible to close your eyes all the way. I didn't


I would never, NEVER, introduce myself as Dr. Wolf except on the first day of class. And none of my colleagues would either. Apparently it's different where you are, but my experience does coves a number of different campuses and regions of the country.

One way you can tell the difference, then, is that outside of a classroom context, someone with a real doctorate does not introduce him or herself as "Dr. X."

Eh, some enterprising classicist got a publication out of it. And I did appreciate her (implicit) point that this kind of stuff is the hardest for scholars to figure out, because it was considered practical rather than discursive knowledge, and because it was the knowledge of slaves and former slaves rather than of

Oh for God's sake, I'm not saying anything as stupid as "we did it so it's okay for Japan to do it." It's all horrific. I thought people might be interested to know about this new book. If I wanted to say this somehow excuses Japan, I would have said it. I didn't say it because I don't think it, and because it's

Yeah, not endorsing any of this. Just thought people might be interested to know.

TL, DR: they sewed it.

You might find the (fairly brief) review at the link pretty interesting. Apparently the military practically ADVERTISED France as a rape-opportunity for soldiers. An excerpt from the book, quoted in the review:

Anyone with any sense (or experience of the academy) knows that an honorary doctorate doesn't count. If Ben Affleck starts going around talking about his doctorate like it's real, he'll be a pretentious fool. I don't particularly think Affleck is likely to fall into this trap, but some people have.

Interesting. Somehow this makes it extra-weird that she's attacking other people for their supposed lack of attractiveness. Say what you will about Rihanna's life choices, but she is completely gorgeous without a wig.

I do not understand this visual. What's going on on the top of her head? Is this a weave?

No, of course I didn't mean sexy women can't be strong and super-smart. It's just that these women don't give off the radically high IQ vibe to me.

Against the wall turns out to be a fab way to get long, bloody scrape marks all over your back.