Eh, I guess statistical generalizations like this tell us . . . something, but they don't tell us anything about individuals. Every generation has its assholes, and every generation has its anti-assholes.
Eh, I guess statistical generalizations like this tell us . . . something, but they don't tell us anything about individuals. Every generation has its assholes, and every generation has its anti-assholes.
How is it that real owls regularly look like cartoon owls? This is an astonishing property of owlishness.
Yes! Mine is and I bought it on purpose because I knew it would be comfortable—and it is. 1. Everything is padded, so no hard edges. 2. It's long, so I can take a nap on it, even though I'm tall. 3. It's deep, so I can slouch on it and still have butt support. 4. The sides are straight-ish, so I can either…
I'm unclear on why horses—even royal horses—need to have their carrots peeled.
This is transparently manipulative. If this idiot can skewer "immoral" drug users for (supposedly) being unhireable, he doesn't have to take political responsibility for the structural economic problems in his state. "It's not my fault, it's vulnerable people's fault! Let's all blame the vulnerable people together…
Good fucking lord.
This. My most-detested co-worker is a woman who doesn't pull her weight, while I am structurally forced to do all of the things she's not doing. To make matters radically worse, she then takes credit for all of the things I do to make up for the things she was required to do but didn't do. WHY DOES MANAGEMENT NOT…
I kind of wish this was in the version that got taught in junior high (although I recognize that would never fly with 92% of the school boards in this country). There's such ignorance about the female anatomy—on the part of both boys and girls—that it would be helpful to use this passage as a teaching tool.
This is bullshit. I hate generalizations of this sort. I am a woman, and I absolutely experience "spontaneous desire." On the regular. As in, I AM HORNY BECAUSE I EXIST. Sure, I experience responsive desire too. But the idea that one sort of desire is for men and the other is for women? Utter, unadulterated…
Uh, as far as I can tell after reading the linked article, Chris Brown's father thinks the reason Chris and Rihanna aren't great together is Rihanna. Do you really mean "Welcome to the party?" as though you agree?
Thanks, Lorna, Gemma, and Portmanteau—that's helpful.
I've been wondering about something, and this may be the place to crowd-source it.
Maybe the title is sarcastic? (Don't know.)
I probably wouldn't like it either if I were a rape victim and a TV writer used my exact words to portray a fictionalized case. On the other hand, this episode sounds like an amazing opportunity, flaws and all, to help the American public understand the harm caused by rape and the shitty attitudes many people still…
Thanks for making me laugh; I was in need.
If he were really smarter than Jon Stewart, he would know that promising the Twitterati of his superior intelligence does not count as proof. Promises of greatness are not evidence. The fact that he thinks they are counts, if anything, as evidence of foolishness.
Yes, which is why I've always felt a little sorry for the writer Daphne Merkin. She's generally awesome, but who wants to go through life with the name Daphne Pubic-Wig?
Why is he a jerk? Ask his wife.
Ah, I'm new at this. Lesson learned.
Yep, that's a bad one.