
Always in a hurry, aren't you?

I read the title of this article and this is all I thought:

How familiar are you with the comics? As someone who's read all the collected editions (as well as an avid comic book reader in general) I totally agree that it's a high water mark. I think the brilliance of Waterson is his incredibly inventive use of panel structures, which can range from beautiful abstract

Props to the University of Toronto. A team at the University of Maryland was in the running; in Aug/Sept of 2012 they flew their Gamera II for 65 seconds, and to altitudes just under the required 3 meters. A noble effort from Maryland... Go Terps!

The format was a necessary evil, but was also really cool in its own right. It was something new and different. Yeah, it took a little while to get going, but once it did HOLY SHIT!!! The show is absolutely brilliant, and season 4 is meant to be watched at least twice. Pretty much like the other three seasons of AD,

How about the movie that took just about every disaster movie trope and macerated them into little, gooey, hilariously-delicious bites and killed the genre for about 20 years in the process:

Do that, but with Romero zombies. Let's see if they can clear three layers of matchboxes or shoot the rabbit.

Now playing

Nerf really should stay away from the Sword of Omen style of swords and stick to the more modernized look for their zombie line... like a machete. Leave the Sight beyond Sight stuff to Family Guy Lion-O.

Ugh. I'm so sick of remakes and reboots already. Someone should tell Hollywood to just throw in the the towel. Creativity is dead there. On a somewhat related note, check out this awesome GIF from a movie from the Bollywood scene in India. I don't need to know what the hell is going on in it, I just know that it is

But the question remains... How would one dust it?

Any Crow movie after this one.

Someone get me to SDCC. I need a scouter and a morpher. My life is empty without these things.

There's not much humor in it really, so I can understand it being hard to get into. A lot of people have been in love with it since it first started decades ago, so there's a good bit of loyalty going on. As much as it has been dragged out, the loyalty thing is pretty important, I might add. But yes, I can see why you

I know everyone loves quoting that "not your bitch" line because Neil "fucking" Gaiman said it, but he's wrong.

Time Bandits.

Omega Supreme and Fortress Maximus were pretty rad back then.

So many good ones here, and honestly, it's a question that has no single answer. So instead of sharing what I think is THE coolest, I'll share some that I didn't see mentioned that definitely belong at the discussion table:

Hey man, why not just read the graphic novel?

"Am I a butterfly dreaming I'm a poet...or a bowling ball dreaming I'm a plate of sashimi?"
*vanishes with a twirl in a puff of smoke*