
I second this. I may need to replace some drywall in my garage and install some in my basement. Also, we have a false ceiling in our living room with a popcorn-textured ceiling under it. The goal is to eventually remove the false ceiling and texture, but no clue on how to do any of these.

Unrelated to this specific topic, but related to the Addam's Family in general, I was a bit stunned to learn this weekend that there is an Addam's Family-themed polka.

I am pretty sure that is supposed to be Dracula, but with shadow around his head, it looks more like Svengoolie.

The usual legal answer is "it depends."

As somebody who has little to no experience with cars, I just recently discovered the Opel GT and it has moved to the top of my list of "reasonably attainable" cars. Always been a fan of the Stingray and I think it looks just enough like it to satisfy me until I can afford the real deal (someday, right?).

Mr. Archer disagrees.

I am late to the game, but Samaritan's costume is just about perfect. Superman and Shazam's costumes are brilliant and iconic, and arguably the best, but I don't believe anybody posted Samaritan's. He has the same simplicity and classic look, plus the colors play off each other perfectly and the cape draped over one

As an avid Pippi fan, I do my best to not remember anything from that movie.

My mother's (great?)uncle fell out of an open cockpit airplane during the 1920 while showing off his plane. I would feel proud to carry on the family tradition.

I did. I also shouted "Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats HO!"

I have a stuffed gorilla named George (due to my misunderstanding when my aunt joking referred to my uncle as Uncle Monkey), a tiger named Axl and a WereBear that could change from cute to scary by flipping his face and claws over.

My wife had those same problems. Her brother was a constant juvenile delinquent that stole most of their video games and pawned them for cash. Between that, and the fire that destroyed their storage unit, she is pretty possessive of the toys she did manage to keep.

I am almost certain I had one of those, but I am absolutely certain that I had the Sword of Omens.

I, too, have all of my old video games and gaming systems, going back to the Atari. I pretty much quit platform gaming after the Playstation 2, so aside from a Wii that is used for Netflix and Virtual Console, my collecting days are pretty much over.

I made the mistake of selling all of my toys to my dad when I outgrew them. He still has the majority of them boxed up in the basement and I can't tell whether he will take pity on me and give them back some day, or if they are gone for good. I did manage to grab a container of LEGOs that I am holding onto for when my

I have heard Canadians pronounce it "fill-t" as well.

In theory, I like Superman's outfit, but the way it is executed, he looks too much like a palette-swapped Shazam/Captain Marvel. I think giving him a collar similar to the one he had in Red Son would help.


I had a big problem with Jor-El being able to defeat a large number of trained soldiers who were specifically bred for the purpose despite being a scientist. If we are to assume that the writer and director meant for Superman's sun exposure to be the deciding factor, than how do they explain Jor-El's success?

I am such a sucker for Superman and his analogues. I will definitely have to check out Superior. Working my way through Alan Moore's run of Supreme right now and trying to get caught up on Astro City. I actually have a Samaritan action figure in my office.