
Monster Squad gave me nightmares for a long time. In my defense, I was pretty young at the time and my cousins were watching it at home. I only watched a small portion of the movie and that was when the monsters all converged at one point early in the movie. I'd like to think that if I saw the whole thing, I would

No, they are totally different. You see, the Street Frogs were anthropomorphised hip hop frogs whereas these are punk anthropomorphised punk frogs. Of course, to be fair, Karate Kat is pretty much Hong Kong Phooey and Tiger Sharks are pretty much every other 80s cartoon.

I have a few that I can fall back on.

Agreed. I love the movie, but there is a lot of dialogue, acting and scenes that wouldn't get a pass from me in any other movie.

That happened to me back when I wanted to see The Matrix. My friends and I all got separate rides to a coffee place and decided from there that we wanted to see the movie. We made the two mile walk to the movie theater (I had the good fortune to roll my ankle just before starting the walk). We got there just in time

I remember hearing about the Skull Cowboy a while back and feeling like we got cheated by having him cut. Having read this article, I feel it was probably for the best. I was always under the impression he was some kind of mentor to Eric, not a buzz-kill that came in to keep telling him to play by the rules.

That gif just seems eerie without the sound. I know that I should be hearing Kermit's excited hollers, but there is nothing there.

I kind of like the new format. It was always frustrating to me when articles asked people to post their favorite movies/scenes/characters, etc..., and people would respond with just a picture, or a picture and a comment that didn't explain what it was. This is especially frustrating when they were obscure references.

You're right, but I'd have to say that Simon Jones played the definitive Arthur Dent. Adams even claimed to have written the role with Simon Jones in mind.

I'm not sure if I am just experiencing a glitch, but I tried posting a picture of Meet the Feebles with this post.

Just, wow... (Meet the Feebles, in case the picture never shows up)

It never occurred to me that small genre films could be a possibility. I would love to see this happen. I know that people have been talking about other movies set in the Star Wars Universe, but I just kept picturing other blockbuster movies taking place there.

I know that I saw that movie years ago, but I really don't remember a thing about it. I think that is because I rented the VHS with friends and we got stuck at the Storm Catcher trailer. It was a fairly standard, generic action/thriller trailer, but then they threw in the line "Freedom has a new hero: Dolph Lundgren."

Well, there you go. If you consider sport hunters douches, then you can't be surprised when a sport hunter suggests a douchebag solution to problems involving harmful species.

Probably because your definition of douchebag likely includes hunters and gun owners.

This sounds like an amazing trip. I have always been fascinated by astronomy and cosmology, but my formal education began and ended with Astronomy 101. Currently reading Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos, kind of a history/biography of the big names in astronomy starting in the mid-20th century. Fascinating read and the

Who knows whether they plan on implementing this or not. The fact is, they hold the patent on it and it is a pretty strong indication of the kind of thinking that they are doing over at Microsoft.

I'm curious as to why you chose this series. The article is on series that went past their expiration date, but if you aren't able to get through the first one, you can't really judge the series. Now, if you liked the first one and hated the rest, this would be a valid suggestion.

Unless there are multiple clones made at the same time. Then it would come down to which clone did it, rather than was it the clone or the original.

I like the guys that are comfortably lying down, like a 550 ton hovercraft is no reason to sit up and watch.