
I was OK with it the first time, i.e., the Doctor and Rose, but when romance became the defining characteristic of the relationship between the Doctor and his companions, it got old pretty quick. My wife, who completely fell for the Doctor/Rose romance gets upset to the point where she wants to quit watching the show

Greatest movie ever... when I was 15. After repeat viewings, I still enjoy it, but it definitely doesn't hold up and it seems pretty cheesy now.

I get where some of these people are coming from, and I understand that not every movie is going to be for everyone, but yeah. If friends are telling you that you will like a movie, it might be worth giving it a shot. Friends tend have similar tastes.

I know the whole point of this article is giving people a chance to say that they don't want to be told to a watch a movie/show, but come on, Arrested Development?

I am not a fan of Keanu Reeves (other than the Bill and Ted movies, the role he was born to play) but like Jude Law, he keeps showing up in movies that I really want to see.

I overheard this description of the show by an old lady while waiting in line at a restaurant.

That was one of the reasons that I never watched that movie. I just can't suspend disbelief enough to accept that Kristen Stewart will ever be "fairer" than Charlize Theron.

Caught part of that movie on TV the other day. I really liked what I saw but had to leave for a while. I came back just in time to see the twist. Not that it really ruined anything for me, but you know, would have been nice to have had the build up first.

I think that this was really a case where he picked his battles and lost, but to say that investigating whether "a very small group of people dressed up in silly costumes during business hours" is "utterly ridiculous" doesn't have quite the same weight to it following the stories about the IRS spending $60k or more on

I had a friend that had never read the LotR books prior to watching the movies, but he didn't get to be surprised by Gandalf's return because Gandalf appeared on the pages for all three movies. He checked those out and immediately knew that he hadn't seen the last of the wizard.

I would love to see some of these properties make better use of the available media. Being able to jump between movies and television would be great, but I doubt it would be practical.

I think that you are absolutely right about the lack of an "added benefit" to seeing a movie in theaters. Going to a movie used to be a thing to do on the weekends or on a Friday night. In the summer, nothing beat a cold drink, a big bucket of popcorn and an air conditioned theater.

I'm of two minds about this. I used to work at a movie theater (almost 10 years ago now) and got the free movies that came with it. After I quit, I cut back significantly on the movies I went to because I couldn't justify the prices. I know, from free to anything is a big increase, but even before I worked there, I

I don't recognize a lot of these either, but if I had to guess, I'd say that the one in the straw hat is from One Piece. Of course, having never seen the show or read the manga, I could be wrong, that is just what jumps out at me.

For those of you who can't see what he is doing here, just use your "Eyes of the Hawk."

Agreed. If they do make a season 5, I really hope they can do it right and get the whole cast to commit and make it like the old format. However, if they can't, I'll take a season 5 in the same format as season 4 because despite all of its faults, I really enjoy season 4 and it beats the hell out of another Pawn Wars,

"So is CoD a "sucky" game? No, I'll concede the point. But I wouldn't call the franchise groundbreaking - not at this point. Not for the cost it takes to make, not for its retail price, and not for what it offers to the player."

I agree that the show loses something when it isn't an ensemble cast, but unlike most attempts to revive a show, I don't regret that they brought it back. It still makes me laugh and I am amazed at what the writers and actors are able to do given the limitations they have.

I am only on episode 10 right now, but I am excited to hear there will be more. One suggestion though, drop Seth Rogen as young George Bluth, Sr. He stands out too much and breaks my connection to the show.

I agree that the new format does hurt the show, but as gogozec2 said, there wasn't really another way to do it. I know that one of these Gawkermedia sites, probably this one, posted a re-edited version of the show that gave it more of an "Arrested Development" feel. The family doesn't get to play off of each other,