gawker thrives on throwing bombs to get reader attention and promote 'time on site'. If that means the bomb smells like bigotry, they consider it collateral damage, not intent to smear, so much. But yeah, sad that.


He's a test driver. Please stfu and go away old man.

Now playing

I always liked the Biggie one. NSFW due to some motherfuckers.

Gotta be targa, convertible is for the 60 year old with the 23 year old girl friend

That black customer pretty much nails most of the customers here in Detroit. It takes all of my will-power to convince myself that not all blacks are bad, and that racism is a bad thing.

To fact-check your fact-check: there is a difference between tax evasion and tax avoidance. While both are awesome and should be universally allowed and not just by major corporate interests, avoidance is legal and evasion is not.

Could you explain to the laypeople like myself what private wealth has to do with city infrastructure? Those "1%ers" in NYC pay close to 60% of their income in taxes, all levels combined. I'd say they were paying generously more than their fair share of the repair/maintenance burden.

F***ing monorail set bitches!!!

According to Pistonheads the guy behind the deal is petrolhead who races at the Ring himself. He's already talking about introducing a state-of-the-art monitoring system to increase the safety of tourist drives and other improvements. If anyone gets charged more, it'll be the manufacturers who are so obsessed with the

Agreed, so many people hate for-profit companies, but 9 times out 10 they are better run than non-profits. Government entities are only worse.


As a typical non-profit company in public ownership, the Nürburgring has never been forced to make profits. Mis-management led to losses, but the setup originally allowed for maintenance and investment from the funds earned. This all will change dramatically, when a private company has to satisfy investors. Twenty

Well apparently non-profit is driving it right down the shitter, so I see no problem with a for profit organization owning it.

Look, I don't disagree with you about the virtues of a well designed and efficient mass transportation system, but the reality is that there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 250 million passenger vehicles in the U.S., with near as many in China, and about one billion worldwide (as of 2011/2012). You can't discuss

Rofl Utopian society... right.... since when has any of them ever really worked out well?

Found the Mt. Gox bitcoin stash!

That's my truck!

Anyone bitching about this making too much power for FWD should drive one before they form an opinion. I have driven one, as a matter of fact here it is sitting in my garage. I've driven GT500's, BOSS 302's and most modern muscle cars, as well as a ton of classic muscle cars. This car is very high on my list of