Did it come with white rim Oakley's and a flat-bill energy drink hat?

Agreed, Asshat is ice T for passing in right lane. Dude in audi was giving signal, looked to be doing proper speed. Left lane is for passing traffic... so all you dicks that drive in the left hand lane "all the fucking time", even when someone is on your ass and wants to pass, give a fucking signal, get off your

Back in July of 2011, the douchebag parade of supercars was running from Las Vegas to Miami when, outside of Orlando, the inevitable disaster struck. At the time, we only knew that the driver was arrested for reckless driving. Now we can see why.

All hail the new arbiter of how much horsepower everyone needs. I'll stick with the horsepower and just not drive like an asshat.

Back in July of 2011, the douchebag parade of supercars was running from Las Vegas to Miami when, outside of Orlando, the inevitable disaster struck. At the time, we only knew that the driver was arrested for reckless driving. Now we can see why.

I hope this massive airbag doesn't work for you when you get into an accident. Then you won't be able to make $5 working at your stupid job spamming the rest of us.

Meh, she's basically the first female CEO of a company of this magnitude. I would be surprised if questions like that didn't pop up every once in a while.

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Lauer has to be the worst interviewer in news media. Bill O'reilly is better at it. I'm sure everyone remembers his pathetic attempts to make Alan Mulally out to be the CEO of an inferior company. Mulally made him looks like the chump he is.

Found it

i SWEAR i have seen this photo before, it was like "hurr durr SuperBowl security"

Now playing

Damn... you know how hard it is to drive one of those?

So what is Gawker Media's budget for this kind of thing?

It's in the article.

You know, Piers Morgan hasn't denied that this was his doing.

This app IS breaking the law. I don't see what you're so upset about? Were you one of those dicks auctioning off PUBLIC parking space?

the driver of that 360 is every drivers worst nightmare. I screamed at that guy not two months ago (in front of lots of people, no less) for flagrantly crossing double yellow lines around blind corners with his kid in the car on the exact corner where he crashed the Ferrari. Anyone who knows that road knows that


If this is what you need to do to get a sense of achievement, you seriously need to rethink your life.

I'm amazed the cop didn't ticket the guy he hit and weasel/corruption his way out of any fault. The last time I saw a cop rear end someone it was a biker with a helmet cam. The cop proceeded to yell at the biker for being "too slow" in heavy, slow moving traffic.