So how did you verify these are truly ex-GM employees? Did they show you an old pay stub or what?

GM's culture is obviously a concern. Do you really think GM made an overnight conversion where all of their employees are going to suddenly do the right thing and that management is going to be responsible for this? How can all these people who spent all their careers at GM now all of a sudden say everything is

This ZR1 wont be getting rock chips!

Journalists are now able to drive them? They have just started arriving at dealers.

He jumped on his brakes when he seen the person getting ready to throw the rock at him.

Just because someone yells "Keep Racing" doesn't mean he was racing or speeding...

Or maybe it is because the Aventador's exhaust is loud and he THOUGHT he was racing because the exhaust is loud.

Tesla has yet to make a GAAP profit. Financial investors are beginning to hedge their bets. A year ago, institutionalized investors made up 88% of people who bought stock in Tesla. Now it is down to 60% due in part to profit-taking and because they are backing away. Merill Lynch thinks the stock is going to drop to

Credit Suisse was fined $2B or so for helping some Americans evade taxes. If you kill 13 Americans like GM has done, because of faulty ignition switches that was covered up, that is only a $35m fine. Interesting.

A drone almost collided with a US Airways plane. I guess we're cutting out the middle man in the war on terror.

Second? Mary Barra is first?

Not when you have a black amex card


Stop trying to create contrivered bigotry. Stop implying that all republicans are homophobes. One bad apple shouldn't spoil the bunch.

There is a difference between saying something racist and being a racist

At the end of 2008, Ford Motor Company was just months away from running out of cash. With the auto industry careening toward ruin, Congress offered all three Detroit automakers a bailout. General Motors and Chrysler grabbed the taxpayer lifeline, but Ford decided to save itself. Under the leadership of charismatic

I fear that your understanding of CEOs are limited. Perhaps it is limited because you lack any interaction with CEOs. CEOs are an extreme important aspect of a business. CEO's play a pivotal role in the planning process and for implementing strategy. The BOD(which establishes the corporate mission) and the CEO, then,

Neutral: What's Elon Musk Worth As CEO?

How dare a company try to get a return on their investment! The nerve of them trying to save the 'ring.