The dealer would've have charged her an arm AND a leg

Makes no sense for the Ghibli. That's a blue collar gut check American pride commercial, nothing about it says Maserati.

Target Audience;

You just won the mothefucking Super Bowl. You need a motherfucking Super Car.

Hmmm. Tough call. I'd actually say 60/40 douchebag scale, leaning towards the driver. The biker (*snicker*) did ride back up to him for the sole purpose of yelling at him for a second time.

To be fair, she hasn't been driven since 1996 either...

I pray that we don't see her posed topless - a la Joe - in front of a car anytime soon...

I'm not the only one who doesn't like it, right?

I had a brown '72 Pinto, it was my first car, and I didn't know any better. Besides the explodieness, it was the most horrible POS I have ever owned or driven. When I finally found some sucker to pawn it off on, I was so relieved. My NEXT vehicle was a '75 steel grey Power Wagon, which I still own, and is still

Now playing

I made a video for the Conan O'Brien Blow Up My Car contest a few years ago.

The video is marked Private.


How about you give me two M1's and we'll call it a day?

Never realized he was actually this tall.

It's the Ranger that Ford sells everywhere else in the world but the US. At the time I was part of the Ford International Advertising team and after helping with a project over at the International Office they tossed me the keys and let me take it for a spin.

So wrong. +1 anyway

Can not be unseen.


Maybe if your Dad took care of you, you wouldn't be such cynical twat.

Well played, well played.