This week on the podcast, we're talking about Microsoft OneNote's big overhaul, what do to if you break your phone, and shortcuts every Windows user should know. We're also answering your questions about playing classic Nintendo 64 games, stopping housemates from hogging your internet, and buying the right cable modem.

Hairless=less odor. And no pubes tickling the back of your throat during oral sex.

yeah that is intentional, it's some fancy kind of binding but I don't know what it's called

Too much grape soda will turn your poop incredible hulk green.

THis, always this and more.

I use it daily, also I might hit reply to an email then hit the mic button and speak my response. On my moto x I am seeing that little mic button on a lot of keyboards for different things.

Data point of one with no information about the numbers of miles a year you drive makes 40 years a meaningless bit of braggadocio.

Take it from someone who works on them: The Americans With Disabilities Act has forced every ATM installed to adhere to some rigid guidelines regarding maximum reach height and depth. This is the sort of thing financial institutions get nailed on during audits. We have to be very careful to be within guidelines or

Could be genetic, they found a gene related to people hating cilantro (no joke). I tried microwaved kale recently, tasted dreadful.

I think they mean lightly scored into the packaging, not printed in all cases.

I've beaten them to death with a hammer but never noticed magnets inside a HDD, where are they inside a drive? Thanks!

I love to do it too but boy do I get the strangest looks when I light the briquettes.

The difference in size isn't enough to matter. The nerve endings end after the first few inches of the vaginal opening. I've never met a woman who likes it when I penetrate her so deeply I hit her cervix, they usually describe it as unpleasant or distracting. If you bring her to multiple orgasms before you start

And this is why I don't compliment beautiful women. It's almost impossible NOT to come off as creepy, especially when you're not anywhere their league of attractiveness. I have bought dinner anonymously for a couple pretty women before though.

Every day in the army we did PT and held each others ankles for situps. It never failed, someone let one out. If you ever have bad gas situps is the cure for sure.

Thank you. If I wanted to eat fucking fingernail clippings, I'd eat fucking fingernail clippings, not fucking coconut.

how sad that this needed to be said

Only if she leaves a moist trail ;)

"Jenson" Button: For those of you like me who don't know anything about racing a google search indicates there is a person in driving named Jenson Button.