I gotta agree.

The more a place sucks the more rabidly people defend it. Insult Florida all you care to. We just don't give a shit what anyone thinks.

I lived in South Korea for a couple years and what the Katusa's I worked with told me the reasoning behind being lighter skinned was entirely class based. You don't want to look like a farmer working the rice paddies all day. Lighter is more affluent, where you work indoors out of the sun. Maybe they were pulling

And they would probably kill to have as much room as you do.

Tough shit. Life is tough, you aren't the best in the world, learn from it, get over it. If you cry enough maybe you can make a river she can out-swim you in.

I just bring my wife to orgasm first before we start penetrative sex so we're not relying on that to bring her off. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Maybe in a casual sex situation you're less likely to get a patient guy trying to bring you off first before you start penetrative intercourse? Plus in a

So your list boils down to Rats, Roaches and Things that Sting.

Awesome, this sums up the entire OP's message! Someone who gets it.

Does every show need to look like a United Colors of Benneton ad or can a show accurately portray what a clique of friends looks like? We are a melting pot that is NOT thoroughly stirred.

I last gave notice on April first, a couple years back. My boss thought it was a bad joke, but I assured him it wasn't anything of the sort.

And yet they keep using that same strategy. Why hasn't any other strategy come along and changed things?

Please let it be a hollowcore interior door....

Hire the jobless to hunt hogs and cook them to feed the homeless. We'll call them the PCC, The Porcine Conservation Corps.

If this is real the teacher needs to be outed. This is an outrage.

ifrogz at walmart for $10. they come with three different sets of earpieces that are different sizes so they fit your ear canals properly. they're better at shutting out ambient noise as well. they are available in a range of colors. that said I mostly listen to audio books and podcasts and am not an audiophile.

Now playing

Same video, only they're talking strange, can't understand a thing they are saying.

Black don't crack!

For them that is seductive.

full of awesome. thanks

Thanks for the laugh, I love that bit