He was charged with "being way too fucking awesome!"

Dudebro is an idiot. But cops are trained to de-escalate situations. This cop did the exact opposite, and thus is very much the one in the wrong.

"Oh, she wasn't just pretending"

Were they compensated 120k or were they compensated 120k PLUS the tuition PLUS 58k?

Like I said not judging, just not understanding. I would think? at 8 months pregnant your maternal hormonal instincts would be in high gear to protect your unborn child? Maybe not. What the fuck do I know. My uterus is like the Sahara.


Oh, Rangers fold their socks differently than the rest of the Army?

I save twice as much time as that, by only having black ones.

I'm right there with you. In my hour I ransacked 1 can of food that I couldn't open and 1 can of soft drink. I literally found nothing for that entire time. By then, I was so bored that I found my first human, and instead of being nice, i took out a shovel and started beating them with it, i died, I quit the game

It's a running AND swimming simulator!

Sometimes a problem is so pervasive and odious that the only way to eradicate it is to drain the swamp completely. Yeah, it sucks for the parties that will be negatively impacted but were not party to the crimes, but if that's part of he cost of tackling rape culture it's a cost we must bear.

I served time in a federal minimum security prison (they called it a camp), and a lot of the stuff on the show did happen there. I drove a truck to a off-site dump once with another inmate. I worked on a maintenance crew and we had screwdrivers and other tools, and took them into the dorm to do repairs. We were

Little Timmy was suspended for 52 weeks. The difference between 5 and 2 is 3.

No, the dogs are more fucking aggressive and that's a fact. It's a dangerous dog, it shouldn't be anyone's pet, and fuck anybody that tries to negate the fact that it is a dangerous fucking animal that should be used only by extremely trained and qualified people. That rules out just about every single pet owner.

As someone who has been bitten by a pitbull (not nearly as severely as this), I don't give a crap if your lot is sick of me.

Trying to make sure a pit won't kill is like trying to make sure a Beagle won't chase rabbits. It is literally what they were bred to do. To all the pit apologists, I can show you many articles about loving, wonderful pits from good families who one day... killed a kid. I fucking hate pits, and I would never trust one

Hey, give the man's wife some credit for being a trooper. Women like that are a treasure.

You shut your whore mouth!