Actually, when life gives you lemons, you make combustible lemons.

He was charged with "being way too fucking awesome!"

Why not both

This might be the manliest thing I've seen all week. However, HOW DID THE STEAK TASTE??? That's the million dollar question! Also, where do I get one of these instant steak lightning cookers?

Looks like exactly the type of place where something traumatic would happen to you in a Stanley Kubrick movie. This is a key example where form trying to emulate function actually impedes the function. People aren't going to feel comfortable going to donate blood at this place.


I wouldn't say this was the golden age of animation. Hanna-Barbera was the peak of "productivity" in the world of animation, but the real golden age (for me at least) was the Tex Avery era of Warner Brothers.

Not my politician. My politician always tells the truth. I know because Fox News told me so.

Dudebro is an idiot. But cops are trained to de-escalate situations. This cop did the exact opposite, and thus is very much the one in the wrong.

"Oh, she wasn't just pretending"

My heart broke a little with every piece of chocolate that hit the floor. What a waste.

All that wasted chocolate! Jebus wept.

It's pretty and all, and I want to go gorge on chocolate now. But I really don't get the point, it seems like a waste of good chocolate.

Were they compensated 120k or were they compensated 120k PLUS the tuition PLUS 58k?

hmm interesting update to ignore. i was hoping they solved the it-runs-like-a-slug-with-narcolespy problem....

Like I said not judging, just not understanding. I would think? at 8 months pregnant your maternal hormonal instincts would be in high gear to protect your unborn child? Maybe not. What the fuck do I know. My uterus is like the Sahara.

oh damn ... this scares me. while i have no issue with cashing in on a story and/or further developing it ... but in this case - there are so many things that can go terribly wrong that maybe it's not worth the risk. maybe this is one story that should not be further exploited ...

it seems to me he's taking a massive

Is it still like a 50 Terabyte download? And does the new version CONSTANTLY nag you to download each x.x.x version update even though you keep checking the box to keep it from fucking reminding you all the fucking time?