Wait ‘til you hear about this singer, Barry White.

Ah, the fake kneel. That’s the move elderly or overweight Catholics do at church where they just scoot their ass a little closer to the edge of the pew so they don’t have to struggle to get back up.

I don’t mean to say that Greg Schiano is right about anything, and it’s different because this was a tie game and they were within threatening distance of scoring, but there should probably just be a signal to the refs of “hey, we’re going to run out the play clock” rather than the whole kneel down thing.

It’s insane to me that in the year of our Lord 2019 we’re still having “Cam Newton is selfish” conversations. The guy has had no offensive line, no noteworthy receivers, and a platoon of overrated running backs basically ever since he came in the league, and has muscled them to numerous playoff berths and a Super Bowl.

Cam Newton is playing injured and probably has been playing injured for the last 3 or so years. He continued to play, because the Panther’s only other option at that point was...*check notes*...A literal robot who was programmed to throw turnovers and make racial slurs. He didn’t play because he was selfish, he played

Make the head football coach responsible for their losses, he’s more likely to get promoted from his assistant position to take his place. Make the boys bball team have a worse record than they would otherwise, his girls team will look better by comparison, and he might get named boys head coach.

See? Two discernible

Oh dear. Bush to Live is a massive step sideways.

Put a little English on it?

What’s important is that it sounded better in your head.

Sources told the BBC that Johnson had tried to get the conference moved somewhere friendlier to him, to no avail.

Sure, it might sound like only a few dozen protesters, but it takes a truly exceptional individual to stand up there while an entire country boos you.

I usually finish Overwatch matches with 0% accuracy. I should start a YouTube channel.

He was trying to spell coffee

RBG should merc him in the Supreme Court sauna.

“I feel sorry for this poor woman who experienced a sexual assault that caused so much emotional trauma that it’s led her to mistakenly believe Brett Kavanaugh was perpetrator.”

Rudy Giuliani, a man known for his messy divorces

Our shenanigans are cheeky and fun, their shenanigans are cruel and tragic. 

maybe he liked getting jerked off, but it took everyone way too long to do it, so they hurt their arms, but his need to be jerked off was so insatiable that he kept paying more and more people to do it, but no one could get him off, so they just pulled their muscles trying to please him.  

I agree that the person who should be most offended by all of this is Tommy John

Talk about selfish. The only reason the guy starting playing minor league baseball was because his name was becoming increasingly irrelevant after he was a huge bust in the NFL and he just SUCKS in Triple-A. If it was any other player playing like that in Triple-A, he wouldnt have a job anywhere. He literally only has