
agreed. i don’t WANT to know the pizza bagel song!

I don’t give a shit what you sing to, just wash your god damn hands.

Agreed. If I have to recite something. Although I don’t know why just counting to 20 is so hard for some. I’m happy to say I do not know the pizza bagel jingle.

How is happy birthday hard to sing? Little kids can sing it without an issue.

Time for anti-gunners to accept the reality:

I honestly don’t understand how his supporters see everything he does and think: Yeah, this guy is it for me. He reflects my values and beliefs. It’s unbelievable. 

So The President actually took time out of his busy schedule to head down there and push the button? Interesting.....

If Narcos has taught me anything, it’s that you can’t stop drugs from entering the country, you can only make it more difficult.

as long as Lucas had nothing to do with the story or script. Spielberg was too nice a guy on SKULLS to change Lucas’ storyline.

I’d watch a direct to TV/streaming series that is Henry Jones Sr.’s grail hunt when he was younger. That would be way better than a 5th movie or a reboot. TELL ME I’M WRONG. You can’t.

I cannot fathom being this much of a piece of shit

or a 10 foot tunnel

I’m for this, but I think they’d have to find an unknown to cast. I can’t think of anyone who’s got that same level of “roguish charm” that Harrison Ford has. I know there’s a lot of discussion about Chris Pratt and I like him, but.... no. Not the same.

I like Harrison Ford, but he needs to step back from his ego and see that it is time to hand off the torch, so to speak. Chris Pratt would do well as the next Indy.

Sorry, but without Spielberg directing, I don’t care anymore. Even though doing it without Lucas is the right move, moving forward without him still felt like having your annual “vacation with the parents” without your divorced father.

Now? It feels like the same, but even your mom is just phoning it in through Skype.

I would absolutely love to see James Mangold direct an Indiana Jones type movie. But maybe one starring a similar adventurer that’s not played by an aging and increasingly apathetic Harrison Ford?

Trump Will Blow Up Sacred Lands”

UG, this wall is soooo stupid.  Show me a 30ft wall, and I’ll show you a 35ft ladder.

Good! Now edge Ford out, recast, and go back to telling adventure stories in the 30s.

Just put it in a fridge and nuke it. Please.