
Let them pout. They only have ten months left in office to cry and bitch and moan, and they know it, so let them have their tantrums while they can. Just pass it next January.

We likewise paired the sister with Anna Paquin.

Oh, they have plenty to do - there’s hundreds of bills from the House pending that Mitch refuses to address. If the Dems leave, he’ll lay the blame for that on them (he’d be wrong, obviously, but they’d be handing him an excuse on a platter). Also, in terms of Trump, I’m not sure just throwing up your hands in defeat

And Sanders was literally trying to quote Obama, but even Biden tried to deny it... except there’s camera footage of Obama saying almost word-for-word what Sanders said about Cuba’s education and healthcare systems despite the authoritarian nightmare that existed there.

The Democratic field is a shit show. I think Trump is winning 4 more years. I just can’t see anyone in the center voting for Bernie, Warren or this guy. Klobuchar and Biden seem too far out of the race to win the nomination. Hopefully the house doesn’t flip as well. I am very curious to see voter turnout on the

Which is so fucking dumb. That statement was bracketed by Sanders rightly renouncing Castro for his authoritarianism, but it is objectively true that the literacy program worked. A program that was praised by Obama, darling of the centrist democrats.

It’s funny because there’s that headline about the 9 year old saying “I want to be brave like Mayor Pete” and all you can think is “well, kid you’ve got 24 years left of hiding who you are if you’re going to do it his way”.

I like Mayor Pete, but for some reason he seems to amplify self reflection of our country’s young, gifted and talented.

Trump’s head is a vacant tenement, scheduled for demolition.

The wife and I are one episode away from finishing this and we hate it. All the characters are stupid. Ever crisis could be averted if they just shared what they know with each other. No one ever acts like a recognizable human. The keys are just convenient plot devices that are completely ignored until the plot

I have to wonder if Buttigieg’s tweet is half referencing Bernie’s recent remarks supporting 1960's revolutionary Fido Castro’s literary and healthcare achievements in Cuba.

If I don’t show up to work to do my job, I get fired.  Why isn’t this happening?

Maybe he pulled it down because it’s factually inaccurate. The 1950s are way too progressive for Donny (Impeached). He’s more of an 1850s guy from the days when America was great, destiny was manifest, blacks could be owned, and women couldn’t vote.

If it wasn’t for those radical policies of the 1960's (and all the work progressives have fought for since then) Pete probably wouldn’t be married right now

when i watched this show i started playing this game of matching each character/actor on the show with someone who already exists.

Time to boot these traitors out: having a point of view I don’t agree with is one thing, but ditching your elected post so you don’t have to lose? Fuck that, fire them all. Ban them from running for any form of government for the rest of their lives. They don’t want to do the job, they can be promoted to civilian

The GOP is a joke.

It might actually raise some guardrails on Trump in his last 9 months.

Amazing how the party of “American values” are such cowards when it comes to doing something to actually help America.

Locke and Key isn’t too bad actually. I THOUGHT at first “here we go another CW style teen show” but then there’s some pretty “adult style” content in it too (won’t spoil it). I enjoyed it for the most part although some of it was pretty predictable, still worth a lazy day binge for sure.