
I’ve thought the same thing many times. Subway, like cancel culture, is trash masquerading as something healthy. Oh, it’s a sandwich, there’s vegetables. So it must be good for me! And it can be, kind of, if you do it right.

Yeah, crypto is a ponzi scheme, but securities regulators are bending over backwards to regulate these ponzi schemes which should just be illegal. They can still function underground, but then people who somehow don’t know better would be protected in the best possible way, by not participating.  

Because it’s cheap and everywhere?

He ironically gave good advice in this case.

I’m shocked because I always go to Larry David for financial device.

Ah, remember when young people said us “old” people weren’t smart enough to understand Crypto and NFT’s and that they were the future. If you got sucked into those things, I don’t feel the least bit sorry for you.

There are few things more fruitless than suing a bankrupt company. Even if you win that’s an unsecured claim, putting you at the very back of the line.

Adding in the celebrities that were in the commercials just seems like a way to get more publicity for the lawsuit. If it was just the guy suing the FTX people, it would only be covered as a footnote, but by adding in a few celebrities it got the news onto entertainment blogs like this one too.

The McDonalds lawsuit was justified. You shouldn’t need skin grafts just for spilling coffee on yourself.

If it can be proven that Larry David was knowingly trying to ensnare people in a ponzi scheme, this suit could have merit. Seeing as that’s extremely unlikely and he was instead just an actor being paid for a commercial, this is moronic.

“If you didn’t know crypto was a Ponzi scheme after all this time, then you are an idiot.”

I know they're grist for the pop cultural journalism mill, but these “rando sues celebrity for whatever bullshit” stories are barely above “dog bites man” level. But I fail to see how David, who presumably was just picking up a paycheck, is liable for any of this.

I’m sorry. If you didn’t know crypto was a Ponzi scheme after all this time, then you are an idiot. And as far as I know, the courts generally don’t provide relief from your own stupidity.

My gathering was that it was more a favor to Rhaenrya than to Leana. Rhaenrya tells Daemon more than once in the episode that Laenor is a good man, and she definitely gives off a sense that at least one person in this mess can be happy. While he didn’t dislike Laena and even admits they were “happy enough”- in the

Go read Jenna’s other reviews for the show. There’s errors and oversights that are so large they make it impossible to engage with the content. You can’t even have a good chat about it in the comments because the actual substance of the observations are off. It’s not bloviating nerd pedantry, it’s a meaningful problem

I can tell when I’ve enjoyed an episode because the strangeness of your reviews seems so much more pronounced, Jenna.

Not only was this the best episode of the season, it was the finest hour of fantasy television I’ve seen in years. And there’s been a lot of great fantasy series that have made their mark recently. But this episode of HOTD had everything that makes ASOIAF such a compelling series. When the best scene of the entire

>Our girl spends the funeral reception crouched on the ground with a spider crawling across her hand as she whispers what sounds like a spell about “dragons of flesh” and “dragons of thread” before shutting it inside a clamshell.

You are really not great at either paying attention to the episode or wording your recaps. All 4 are clearly in on Leanor's death. Daemon is shown killing the person they pulled out of the fire place... 

We knew exactly what Rhaenyra meant by the greens. During her wedding feast when Alicent made her dramatic arrival wearing a green dress, the Strongs explained it was the color the Hightower’s flew when it went to war.