
Before the war: obscenely rich slave owners own everything and dominate politics.

I agree with your point about reconstruction.

Interesting. I wish I did have a written reference for you, or for myself, but unfortunately my information comes from a scholarly radio interview I heard a few months ago by someone who spoke very convincingly and had written on the subject. I had never heard the perspective before ( I’m pretty sure I accurately

“The North found every way they could to humiliate and punish the South for the assassination, the war, everything.”

Slave labor is not free labor.

The reason the US grew into an economic super power was because of the free market.

I was speaking from a historical perspective; when you’re the product of several generations of a culture that pounds their collective injustices (bandaged by salvaged pride) into the next generation like a drumbeat, you can get back to me. (I’m speaking very broadly, and of course not for everyone who lives in the

The South didn’t need to use slave labor and could have abolished it. They were NEVER in the foreseeable future going to abolish slave labor. In fact, many historians and economists say slavery is the reason the United States was able to grow into a world power so incredibly fast.”

The south was being shitty. And they still are in many ways

Justifying racism does not seem to be 21st century behavior. There is no acceptable excuse for the way black people have been treated and are treated in the South (and elsewhere). None. I don’t care what they think Northern whites did or didn’t do to them.

I think the bunny in our front yard is a rabbit Nazi. I keep catching him raising his front arm and yelling “Hare Hitler!”

Just the other day I looked at all the shoes in my wife’s closet and compared her to Imelda Marcos.

Not much of a stretch. So far, Trump has applauded Assad, Putin, and Kim Jong-Un for being “strong leaders”.

Apparently we are having a war on Easter in England because Cadburys put the word Easter on the back of some of their eggs and not the front!! ‘Chocolate eggs? What is this travesty?!’ Sadly, I kid you not.

What’s funny is that I was reminded recently that, Lincoln having been shot on Good Friday in Ford’s Theatre, there were a good amount of preachers that Easter Sunday with sermons going on about Lincoln being killed in a house of sin instead of being at church where he supposedly belonged.

Hey, they don’t call matzah “the bread of affliction” for nothin’. That’s why Jews remind ourselves in multiple holidays that we have be oppressed multiple times and it can happen again. And American Christians think they’re oppressed because someone at Starbucks says “Happy Holidays”.  

It would be really nice to go one day without a politician comparing anyone to Hitler. Let’s use our history books and focus on other terrible world leaders. I’d personally like some comparison to Ferdinand and Isabella. Napoleon is a good example.

He’s right: the Civil War was unnecessary. The South didn’t need to use slave labor and could have abolished it. The South didn’t need to form and army or an ad hoc government. They didn’t need to make a terribly backed currency or try and be an independent country.

Man, Republicans just love talking about Hitler.