
Jumping/falling from heights is one of the most popular methods to commit suicide in NYC. The reason for this is two fold: lack of access to the most commonly used method nationwide (firearms), and an unusual amount of access to extreme heights.

If you checked out early by jumping off a bridge, you would have suffered severe trauma when you hit the surface. You can’t “make” yourself drown; when your brain loses too much oxygen, your unconscious kicks in and your body will make itself swim or float.

Sure, we can all keep a careful air of suspicion, but suicide can occur with anyone. I knew a successful public official who shot himself because he suffered from fugue (he disappeared for days and weeks at a time, and it was coming more frequently; he wrote that he wanted to spare his family any more embarrassment).

The New York legal community is in shock. Colleagues of mine who have argued before her said that she was an excellent judge.

I’m in favor of these ad campaigns. If you’re naive enough to have one of these things in your home, you should have it hijacked fir advertisements.

Best burger I’ve had in years.

I still don’t understand the point of the damn things. Anything I can do with them I can do faster with my phone.

Why anyone has a phrase other than “Computer” is beyond me. If I’m talking to a computer, it had better feel like Star Trek, dammit.

Because Rat burgers!

By strange coincidence, half a brain is one of the ingredients of the Whopper.

Anyone with half a brain would’t respond (positively) to advertising campaigns, period.

It seems like the companies that hire a lot of them just cast a wide net and figure “young” is the only requirement. The right way to do it is to get just a couple of actually smart and capable 20-somethings. The ones who’ll say things like “You realize absolutely anybody can edit that Wikipedia entry, right?” or

Speaking as someone who works for a company with a metric shit-ton of these so-called “social media experts,” that just leads to the 22-year-olds thinking that this type of thing would be dope, because they’re incapable of thinking someone else might not want their evening interrupted by their bullshit. (Remember,

While I agree that this is a shitty move by BK, the example you bring up isn’t really apples to apples. Dialing a 900 number ends up with a monetary charge. Having Google Home read a Wiki page is just annoying.

I’m in favor of these ad campaigns. If you’re naive enough to have one of these things in your home, you should have it hijacked fir advertisements.

The least they could have done was requested Wikipedia to lock the page from editing before the advert went live.

Anyone with half a brain could see this was going to happen. I like to envision that many major retailers who try to use this type “cutting edge” type of advertising have a room full of people who barely grasp the technology, and one person who understands it all recommending against it.

so we really can’t have it our way? is that what you are saying here, burger king?