
In my childhood house, I have three hamsters, a cat, a box turtle, a couple snakes, and a salamander buried in the backyard. Never had a problem with another animal digging them up. The only pets that I have had cremated, or whatever the vet does with them, is the ones we had put down. 

Wrong article for your comment. 

Shit is that what people leave bricks in the backyard for. Now I have to figure out where that brick originally was when I moved in, so I don’t get a surprise down the road. I’m about to regrade and seed my backyard...this may not be good. 

Meanwhile for those of us in the middle income bracket, we haven’t see a cost of living raise in a decade or more. Or if so, it was less than the annual inflation rate.

I’m with you, I’m not tipping. I’ll do everything else, except stripping the bed. I’ve always put all the towels in a pile, thrown away half used toiletries, flush toilets, and put all trash in a can, but I draw the line at the tip. I’m already getting mugged by the hotel with the outrageous fees and price of the

The worst is when you have the DND sign on, and they knock at your door and yell housekeeping at 8AM was actually 9AM, but on Dayllight Savings day. This was recently at a resort on Hilton Head Island. I put the DND sign on my door for a reason.  

Yeah, I wouldn’t do half of that shit. I’d wash the dishwasher whenever I pleased. Go buy a small package of detergent. I wouldn’t handwash any dishes unless they were something fragile, which I wouldn’t use anyway. I wouldn’t use the air mattress. I’d have to touch the crystals, just because they told me not to. And

You’ve never been to some of the bathrooms I have been in. Charlotte airport, upscale restaurants have a guy in the bathroom with a tip jar. I don’t need anyone handing me a towel and giving me mints, but there he is. 

And the valet...always tip the valet

Technically Rick is not her father. 

You have to miss something or you wouldn’t check out each synopsis with every episode and make some idiotic post about not watching the show anymore. Get over it and stop commenting on it if you are truly done with the show.

That would explain the Trash People’s language devolving that fast.

How long would that be? About 40 seconds?

Don’t forget, he thinks they were photoshopped. So, obviously he feels the pictures do not look like Melania. Perhaps Melania slipped the body double in without him knowing about it. 

Someone I know actually believes African Americans are moving over to the GOP in droves. I think he must have heard this on Fox News, as he is a loyal listener to their program, and parrots back everything they say. 

The thing is though Joe can pull over some moderates. I don’t see these far left liberals doing that. If there’s someone like Joe that is young enough to pull some of those voters over, I’m all for it. But for now, he is the best option to get rid of this nightmare in the White House. 

Just Don Jr. Don Sr. also had his daddy pay for his degree. 

Never knew there was such a thing....and only $100. 

Never knew there was such a thing....and only $100. 

I don’t think he has a problem with odor or germs, he just wants to get the stain out. Lysol won’t do that. 

I don’t think he has a problem with odor or germs, he just wants to get the stain out. Lysol won’t do that. 

Hopefully they start with Orakpo making cupcakes.