
Gus Frerotte sprained his neck head-butting a wall while celebrating a touchdown.

David Cone’s fingers on his pitching hand got bit by his mother in law’s dog

You are also eligible for free E. Coli poisoning.

Are only black people in gangs? I have heard of drive-by shootings from just about every race you can think of. This is not a racist saying...stop trying to make everything about the color of someone’s skin.  

Unless it’s a pack of coyotes

That’s the Duo not the Ultra. And who cares if they get a kickback as long as I get the lowest price available. They got to pay the bills somehow and a good portion of their readers use adblockers.

That’s the Duo not the Ultra. And who cares if they get a kickback as long as I get the lowest price available. They

Okay, but he’s still able to talk about other bad people that are still alive. I can think of one orange goblin he could try to jinx. 

I always say Mona like Tony Danza. And when I saw she died, I told my wife, “Mona died”, in perfection imitation of Tony. Then she said who? “And I had to say Mona from Who’s the Boss. Then she knew who I was referring to.

If I’d had seen Better off Dead back then, I probably would have jumped on the hood of their car waving a newspaper yelling,two dollars”.

It’s good to know I haven’t been completely in the wrong putting a comma after So. Don’t remember how my grammar teachers reacted to it. Though, I do remember them not like but or and starting a sentence, but since graduating I’ve always used them to start sentences. 

Do you not understand how the editor, Alice, feels about the comma after So after reading the last sentence. It’s quite obvious to me what happened.

When ever I read a question mark after a statement, I think of the writer as one of those annoying people that always use the upward inflection to sound like they are always asking a question. 

I am not a morning person it was torture, and I came close to being mugged on collection day. Thankfully, I had a friend in the area that warned me a few guys he knew were going to jump me. I don’t remember my pay being that great. It was really hard for an 11yo getting customers to pay up.

I had quite a few when I was in HS: paperboy, Wendy’s, Dominoes, and a shitty local restaurant.

It’s either ironic or your 3 spelling errors in a row are on purpose. 

Most of them have both: A drive thru lane and the carhop. So, yes some people do eat in the carhop lanes. Some of the carhops used to do rollerblades or skates, but I haven’t seen any lately. Though, it’s been a few years since I frequented the car hop lanes. 

I’m not sure he has a problem. I get where he’s coming from. I love my wife, do not want just a hole to drill, but she can sometimes be a little too talkative. Can’t I just eat my steak in peace and quiet. Maybe it only makes sense for those of us that are a little less social than the majority of people. So, I get

It happens: Ashley Madison.

I think he got it confused with Germany and Amsterdam, who do have it legal.

And I cringe whenever I overhear the table next to me has a birthday in a Mexican restaurant. Here comes the big sombrero and the employees dancing and singing in Spanish.