Seriously, I was thinking the same thing. What the hell!

Damn, Banner Saga 2 already?!? That basically just came out. That’s awesome. Save myself $20.

You forgot “Winter is here.”

That’s more game design than UI design though.

This is seriously the most hilarious internet encounter I’ve ever had. Thank you, sir. Your stupidity has put a smile on my face and is a great start to a long weekend.

Who the fuck says “go suck an egg?” And why are you so angry over this? It’s like I personally attacked you.

Dude, you need to settle down. Take a few deep breaths, take a walk...something. Just cool down and come back when you’re thinking straight.

I’m talking more to the competitive side of things. I don’t have time to watch his whole review but right off the bat he starts the video saying that he likes Mercy and the support characters. AKA characters you don’t need good aim for. You can literally be looking 90 degrees in any direction of a teammate and still

I never said it was bad on controller. I play it on console and am having so much fun. What I’m saying is that the game plays like you should be using a mouse. It’s very hard to keep your crosshairs where you want them to be. Basically, KB+M Widowmakers will absolutely wreck console Widowmakers, no question.

The hours of fun you can get out of if far outweigh any single player game that is also $60. That, to me, is very justifiable.

It’s definitely more of a PC shooter than a console shooter. Controls feel kind of bad for a console shooter, honestly. Basically no Aim assist. This is coming from a mainly console gamer.

Bastion, 2nd to last? That makes no sense, from any perspective.

You hate Hunters more than Warlocks?!? Man, you crazy!

Captain Crunch: Razers, for the Roof of Your Mouth.

God Tier: Honey Nut Cheerios, Cinnamon Life and Fruity Pebbles.

Is it just me or is anyone else getting sick of all of these cards getting added to random games?

This game certianly isn’t for the ragers out there. Personally I’m a calm, mellow guy and I love challenging games. Dark Souls is one of my favorite series and I grew up on very difficult NES and SNES games. So this game was right up my alley the second I saw it I knew I was going to be picking it up. And it did not

“I thought that was a super obvious part of the story.” I thought the same thing haha. I thought it was pretty clear they had leprosy.

The whole ‘writing stuff down and taking pictures’ really reminds me of Fez. (another puzzle game I love) It’s one of the reason I’m having so much fun with The Witness. I have yet to break out the pencil and paper but I know it will happen soon.

An hour and 20 minutes WTF!?! Those speed runners always blow my mind. That’s nuts.