Oh I already pre-ordered it. I was always gonna get it haha. I was half joking when I made that comment.

Talos Principle really was a surprise hit for me. I wish it got more publicity it’s a great game!

Your comment made me rethink my decision to just buy it day one. Maybe the game is so bad that they planned on this surprise release to trick gamers into buying it through shear hype alone. This also gives reviewers less of a chance to play it and post a review before release.

As an avid (Xbox One) Destiny player, I totally agree.

Oh man this brings me back.

As a day one player who still plays. I have no problems with this. The price is so high that barely anyone will buy it. Only those who REALLY don’t have the time but REALLY like Destiny will actually purchase this.

You get a “free” boost as well when you buy The Taken King Expansion for Destiny. This level-pack is for people who love Destiny and want to level a second or third character but don’t have the time to. (which is kind of crazy because it takes like MAYBE 6 hours to get to lvl-25, probably less)

Ya know, I was fully expecting to roll my eyes at your comment for being yet another “people still play this game?” comment after that first sentence but I was pleasantly surprised. Thank you for a well thought out, reasonable, comment to this article.

While I just absolutely love this game and will probably continue

I think one major thing that may be overlooked is that with eSports you’re playing one particular game. Which, yes, is the same as physical sports but the large difference is that new video games come out each year. Including sequels to the particular esports game that you play professionally. So a lot of the time,

Originally I think I was subconsciously ignoring the fact that these DLC’s take A LOT of development time to make. So, to think that they would release essentially what’s thought to be a full game in fall 2016 (“Destiny 2”) as well as 2 DLC’s before that is crazy.

This is disappointing but really it makes sense. Why do

Wow, the amount of money I would pay to see this happen, it would be amazing!

Get off your high horse man. Different movies are funny to different people, it’s just an opinion. It has nothing to do with intelligence.

I just set up a brand new laptop for a client, literally two days ago. What’s the first thing they install on the damn thing? AOL desktop client, even after me saying “you know you can just check your aol mail through the website, right?”

That fucking micro-usb port...I want to throw the damn controller out the window every time i go to charge my controllers battery. I’m not sure when or how it happened but I have to mess with the cord for like 10 minutes until I finally get it to the point where it is charging and doesn’t disconnect 2 seconds later.

Oops lol I totally agree. 7 shitty margaritas is nothing if you’re not driving, serve away!

Blackout drunk and “okay to drive” are two TOTALLY different things. I can assure you after 7 margs, 99% of people would FAR from the legal driving limit.

Lol all I’m saying man is that maybe you should steer clear of reddit for a little while. Not every paranoid post on there is true.

Why is Destiny always singled out. It’s really starting to get old guys. There’s a Bloodbourne DLC on here as well as the Game of Thrones Finale, which is pretty much a DLC as well.

Can confirm, that Oryx strategy is really easy and works like a charm once you get the hang of it. I think it took us about an hour to iron out the kinks and beat Oryx.

Eris giving out raisins is hilarious! She’s like that one shady grandma’s house that everyone avoids while trick or treating because she gives out pennies, pencils and yes...boxes of raisins haha.