Honestly, with the crazy popularity of BR, I wouldn’t be surprised of Epic moved most of the team to working on the BR side of things.

I experienced number 2 after playing Breath of the Wild for weeks then coming back to Destiny...it was bad.

Yep, I did the same. Thank you Jason lol.

Right? The very people who think they have the moral high ground here are actually the ones being the bigots and looking past the facts of the situation and making it about race immediately.

I have an Elite and I play Destiny (yes, still) pretty competitively and when I got the controller last year it took my play to another level. I mapped jump and crouch(aka slide) to the two top paddles. I actually only use two paddles because, like you Kirk, I tend to accidentally press the paddles sometimes. And that

Stat’s aren’t everything. Eyasluna feels better to me, honestly. But that’s just preference. Some prefer Palindrome, some Luna.

Smallbore is a no no. Also, most prefer range finder over luck in the chamber or hidden hand(I forget which, but one or both of those are in the same perk column). My “god-roll” is sureshot, rifled barrel, Range finder and icarus.


It still drops in the “Classic” crucible playlists. Still my go-to primary.

What i meant by “the game” was business/making money. Sorry if that wasn’t clear.

While most commission art, most still use songs that they don’t own, for alerts and just background music. That’s where some might still run into trouble. I haven’t seen it happen yet but I wouldn’t be surprised if it did.

This is about the cheapest, crummiest and sleaziest way someone could gain followers. (by this I mean being a bikini streamer, twerking during killcams and releasing nudes at 1mil subs, among many other things)

I hope you’re using MIDA too :)

This is true, but if you’re watching the Anime after all of the episodes have been released you can skim through the filler ;)

Avatar is really good but honestly I’d throw something like Naruto or Hunter X Hunter(among many others) in the running before Avatar. There’s some seriously in-depth story telling in some Anime’s, just on a whole other level than some American television.

What’s the problem here? That’s just plain funny. Adds a little humor to the whole “your house is burning down” thing.

“I still can’t tell what’s happening in most esports, but, damn it, I’m trying.”

Yea...the word “Metroidvania” has me by the balls. I can never resist that word. Song of the Deep is currently downloading on my Xbox while I’m at work. :)

That’s crazy! Hey, I’m not complaining haha.

Yea I loved the first one!