Anyone notice the guy in the back is handcuffed and then all of a sudden he isn't and he grabs his head...then he goes back to being handcuffed again? Oddly enough, that's the most unrealistic thing about this gif.

So essentially, this guy did this for a glorified heart rate monitor?...idiot.

This argument doesn't make sense to me and I keep seeing it everywhere. At the end of the day they both play games, 85% of the same games actually. How in the fucking world is it WORSE to have more features. If you don't like the features, there's an extremely easy solution...don't use them. It's seriously the weakest

Not trying to take sides here because I'll probably get both eventually but Internet Explorer is way better than some random proprietary browser that Sony will come up with, if they will have one at all.

The right condiment can go a long way. Sriracha and chili garlic sauce are my two go-to condiments.

Let's be real here... The average CoD gamer rarely checks gaming websites. And chances are they couldn't care less about what resolution the game is running at, let alone know what that even means. They're going to go with what they're comfortable with and that's Xbox. The only thing holding me back on saying that is

I couldn't have said it better myself. (aside from the toddler part because I don't have kids) That last sentence couldn't be any more right.

It's weird, I was so hyped to get a 360 and PS3 when they first came out. But now with PS4 and Xbox one I have no desire to get the consoles. I guess that comes with getting older. Reality sets in a little easier and you start to realize that getting something first isn't always the best thing to do. Patience is a

Why would you ever buy 3 $60 games all at once? Regardless of learning new controls or not. Unless you would play all 3 games at once which in that case, I envy the amount of free time that you have.

Okay, I'm glad more people are saying this. Before I wrote my post above, all I saw was positive things about this controller. But I completely agree with you. Why would I want to swipe, swipe, swipe as if I'm using a laptop's trackpad when I can just hold a thumb-stick in the direction I want it to go.

In watching that video, he is swiping an awful lot to turn. I don't see how multiple swipes is more efficient than simply holding a stick in one direction

Why is it that nobody ever has anything bad to say about anything Valve? I think this controller is a horrible idea.

This was very poorly executed and a colossal waste of money. I'm actually certified in Apple Mobility Management(not sure why...waste of company money) and there's software called the "iPhone Configuration Utility" that can be used with any iOS device, including the iPad to completely lock it down with passwords and

Bacon Ice Cream is actually really good. I had it at an upscale restaurant once. They had all kinds of weird flavors and bacon was one of them. I think it was caramel bacon ice cream to be exact and it was pretty damn good. If you really think about it, it makes sense. Salty and sweet always go well together.

I used the 360 controller d-pad yesterday for hammer watch.

You lose at the internet today for using the word ignoramus. Have a nice day! Please don't come back until tomorrow. Thank you!

I wish I could find a clip of it, but they actually talked about the connection between violent video games and actual violence in the newest episode of Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

"Pretty sure his team has players that game too"

Video games have a human component as well. That's one of the reasons why CoD and Halo players keep coming back. Each game is different from the previous one.

That's what I was thinking. The look on the cashier's face says it all. He's not even remotely scared haha.