Isn't that the whole point of capitalism? Survival of the fittest. Yes, studios close...and then others open. It's not the gamers fault that there's too many quality games to buy/play(I'm referencing you saying vote with your dollars). Studios getting closed is capitalism's way of balancing itself out; weeding out the

Jesus people, give the guy a break. I think this is awesome. Putting Navi on his shoulder is a nice touch.

Iron Man? A nobody? I'm not sure I agree with that. I'll agree that I'm a nerd and I know more about comic book characters and such than most other people do (even though I don't read comics) but I'm pretty sure Iron Man has always been a fairly well known character.

"Eventually, it's really easy to give up because it's clear that everyone is different and none of these articles work for everyone."

This is hard because I like many different kinds of games. I love first-person games but I also love side-scrollers. It's kind of hard to meld the two together. So I'm going to do two.

To add to your alcohol comment. Why are certain drinks/beers considered more manly than others?

You mean to tell me your gamertag isn't xX420W33D420Xx?!?!? You're a poser stoner bro, get with the program.

I have to agree with you. Ken Levine is awesome. I just listened to an indoor kids podcast that he was on and he was hilarious. He's a really smart guy and knows how to write a damn good story. We need more of that in the games industry. Great gameplay can be tough to get right but I think it's been done enough times

Richard, I'm curious about the nausea you had. Do you ever get car sick or anything of that nature? I don't get car sick and I'm hoping that might mean that I won't get sick using the Rift.

I tried the demo of this last night and there's something about the controls that I hated. The movement and jumping seemed sluggish to me. That's the one thing that a platformer needs to even begin to be considered good, in my eyes.

I find it so fascinating when I see examples of how different American culture is from the rest of the world. For example, my friends and I touch all the time. Whether it be the handshake-hug, or just palein' around. My one friend basically hangs on me when she gets really drunk. And it's all a way of showing your

The Wii U is going to be the death of Nintendo hardware. While very sad I'd actually like to see Nintendo become a software only company, like Sega. I know I know, preposterous but that's definitely going to happen sooner than later.

Wait a freekin' second, you mean to tell me there is actually a store called Loblaws?!? hahaha that's amazing. Reminds me of the best blog on the internet: Bob Loblaws law blog. Or the impossible to ignore law tactic, The Bob Loblaw law bomb.

The crazy thing about it is that they find some really random stuff and it seems like about 6 months to a year after FIFA comes out some of those songs become really popular. They're really good at finding great music that not many people have heard.

The FIFA soundtrack is always awesome. Every single year, never seizes to amaze me.

This is a great jumping off point for other indie devs. He should give his source code/methods to the public so that we can finish it for him.

In a way it is an investment though. Once the mortgage is paid off you no longer have to pay "rent". So then you have that much more money per month for other things. Which is like gaining a profit from an investment. You just have to wait 30 years(or however long your mortgage is) to see any return from it.


Hey guys, haven't been following this story at all so I know that this is late but...What the hell happened to free speech?

I want to know where in the world you can get a whole pizza for $5. Then again maybe it's a personal size...but still, five dollars? damn.

There's really not anything you can do. I've been exactly where you're at before. I'm short (5' 6") and was fairly overweight. It was basically impossible to look good in dress clothes and I wore that stuff everyday for work (khaki's and a button up).