Yea, I love my job. I get to be at a different office every day a lot of the time instead of being stuck in one office. I get to help people out with their computer issues, which I love. And I have a lot of room to grow in my job. I'm not making anywhere near $70k though, damn. The cost of living in my area isn't that

Being a grad student is a whole other beast in and of itself. I wasn't particularly talking about you.

I'm sorry to hear that. Two broken legs and broken rib does not sound like a walk in the park. I broke my leg a couple years ago and that sucked, I can't imagine what two broken legs would be like. I could at least still drive, which was particularly "lucky" because I could still drive to work then.

I have a BS in Information Sciences and Technology from Penn State, get the facts before you start spewing bullshit.

I have plenty of empathy, which is one of the reason why I love what I do. I get to help people with their computer issues every day. Yea, it sucks dealing with people 365 days a year, nobodies going to love doing that every single day (when you've had some clients I've had to deal with)

I'm sorry but I don't. I get shit pay, have WAY worse hours than teachers do and have to deal with shitty clients(way worse than shitty parents) every fucking day of the week 365 days out of the year, not 180 days. The IT industry is way worse in regards to hours worked/compensation. So I'll say it again...I don't

If they managed their money to compensate for those two months then no they wouldn't have to. $30,000 in 10 months is the same as $30,000 in 12 months. Working part-time in the summer is a choice and a bonus in my eyes. If I had time to work a part-time job for some extra money I would. Try the IT industry on for

Meh, I fail to sympathize with teachers in that regard. They get off the entire summer.

"And I hope whatever studio you work for doesn't allow management or HR to makes promises to contractor's about hiring them full time"

You should write a counter argument article in response to this article. Throw it up on TAY!

I agree, like i said in my comment above, working a salary job as an IT consultant I get worse hours and not much better pay than him. No over time pay either because it's salary. I basically have a doctors hours, pretty much never truly "off-duty" and always "on-call"

You worked "volunteer" overtime? boo hoo, try working in the IT industry with a salary. There is no such thing as overtime. I work weekends and nights all the time. You were playing a fucking video game for money, get over it.

This pisses me off. I'd like to see what this douche was doing in his twenties. Every generation thinks they've had it harder than the younger generation. Everybody views their past with rose tinted glasses.

Huh? Netflix has a ton of movies...unless you meant they have no good movies and even then I would argue that there is a pretty good selection. Although I mostly use it for TV shows.

Talk shit as much as you want, this console won't fail. Xbox (not) Done.

"because no feature could make up for missing out on fun with friends"

Oh believe me I agree, the Kinect sucks. I don't even have one.

I should have rephrased it(I was in a hurry, at work).

I understand the outrage here but this is nothing new. This is how it was with the 360.

"Literally everything they have revealed can be done better on a PC"