After reading a little more about this new system. Things are looking even worse. No used games (not in the traditional sense) which means no borrowing games from a friend. Kinect always needs connected. Semi-always online...this is bad, very bad. I retract my above statement. What the hell is Microsoft thinking. If

I think the "they didn't show any games" argument is a fairly moot point. This was clearly a hardware reveal and the games are going to come at E3. If there are no games shown at E3 then I would start to go the negative route in regards to Xbox One. But so far, what I've seen I've liked... Aside from no backwards

My guess is guitar hero.

I will also be that guy: Bioshock 2 wasn't done by Ken Levine.

That's great haha they even give a shout out to Humble Bundle.


If this got made it would instantly become my favorite movie of all time.

You've been doing it for a year? Man, I could never calorie count for a year. I calorie counted for a week or so once and it drove me nuts. But it did help me realize what I can and should eat in order to lose weight. So now I know of a few meals that I can eat without really worrying about calories. Which helps a

Perfect casting for a live-action metroid film.

A piece of bread works really well too.

All joking aside I think that's the case with a lot of things these days. People are ingesting so much more information these days from all over the country and world than they were before the internet. Before the internet we were confined to our family and friends and the news shows and newspaper, that's it.

Slow news day? haha

To you (the consumer), 7-discs doesn't sound bad. But to the developer and manufacturer that means new packaging and higher costs per game which means less profit.

I was the same way. At least during the day. If there was any daylight I couldn't bring myself to play any games when I was unemployed. I just felt like a bum. I tried to spend it applying to jobs and working on getting certifications(I work in IT). But at night after dinner I let myself relax once in a while and play

I see, thanks for the explanation. I get it now. I didn't know anything about bitcoins aside from knowing that they existed.

I'm confused here...so did they essentially steal $3,600 worth of bitcoins and all their doing to fix it is give out free membership and give these other people's money out as a prize for a competition? Shouldn't this be a lawsuit or something?

Wait, so this isn't a DLC? It's a stand-alone game? I might have to check it out then. I don't have Far Cry 3 but I'd really like to check this out.

He's not talking about anything new here. There have been plenty of games that don't pay full attention to detail and occasionally give the player a nudge in the right direction.

I've never really gotten much grief from people for being a nerd and I'm in my 20's. Although I think that has something to do with me being kind of a hybrid nerd. I work in the IT field, I love video games, watch sci-fi/fantasy shows and movies but I also play and watch sports, etc. I think it has something to do