I think you're wrong about that. I think it's a large possibility.
I think you're wrong about that. I think it's a large possibility.
I think HBO is actually going to release HBO Go as a stand-alone subscription in the near future. And they have the episodes up on HBO within an hour of the show airing.
How is eventually having the ability to release your game on more platforms to get more sale worse than only releasing it on one platform?
If that's the case then PS3 has pretty much no exclusives because most of their exclusives come out on the Vita too.
Multiplatform isn't PC and 360. Of course they're going to allow a PC release they're both Microsoft.
None of those games are on PS3. PC basically is Xbox...it's microsoft they're the same company.
No, I completely agree that there should be no ads for gold subscribers. But it doesn't really bother me and i don't think it detracts from the games what-so-ever.
"They've just been recycling Halo, Gears of War, Fable, and Forza with several 30 day DLC exclusivity deals for multiplatform games."
"games are for a niche and always will be" haha what? Gaming has gained popularity exponentially in the past 10 years. Both parts of your statement are wrong.
Sift through ads to get to your friends list? You know you can hit the right bumper and go right to your friends list right?
B-MO! Wow, I can't believe I missed that. At first I thought it was supposed to be some generic video game shirt. That just made that one so much better. MATHEMATICAL!
You have to agree that if people were boycotting your game on Steam solely based off of a few comments you made in the past you would, at the very least, be thinking "#1 on Steam and the games not even out yet keep boycotting, nerds..."
Pot may be habit forming but it's certainly not addictive. There's large difference.
"... then what's the benefit of smoking pot"
I tried the whole, DDR-as-exercise thing before and I could never stick with it. I always got really bored really fast. I probably stuck with it for about 2 weeks each time I tried to get into it. To me it sounded like a great idea. "I can lose weight WHILE having fun playing video games, that sounds amazing!" But it…
Damnit, you beat me to it haha
I don't really know why but shit like this REALLY bothers me. There's people, even in America, that are going hungry and homeless and then you have people like this who can't even "suffer" through a normal, low-budget bachelorette party and have to spend a whole bunch of someone else's money to satisfy their…
The TV or teevee that you're referring to is more commonly called cable. Just thought I'd share that little tidbit.
I may take that advice this time around. This new generation feels really different to me. What I mean by that is that in the transition between Xbox and 360 there was a significant jump in graphics and I was also getting really bored with the games on Xbox. With the jump from 360 to the new one, I could definitely…