You act as if your opinions are fact. Yes, I do think all of those movies you mentioned were bad. But we're not talking about those movies, we're talking about superman returns. I never said Superman returns is worse than daredevil, fantastic four, xmen 3, ghost rider, spiderman 3, iron man 2 or Hulk. I just said it

I just looked this up on Amazon. It definitely was a limited release. It's going for anywhere between $400 and $1250 haha wow

This may push me over the edge and force me to get a 3DS. Although I was planning on getting the new Xbox in the fall so I may have to hold off on the 3DS.

Awesome Keenan and Kell reference haha "I do, I do, I dooOooo" (Disclaimer: I don't actually own a 3DS)

I think he's an author so he automatically gets approved. I play no favorites :)

Semantics, regardless of whether it was a reboot or not it was a really bad movie and it was the first more modern Superman movie.

Hell yea, this looks WAY better than the crappy reboot from 2006. Looks like they're finally doing superman the right way.

I just posted the same thing haha didn't see that you already mentioned it.

Sooo...the guy is okay with digitally murdering hundreds of people but he's not okay with a fake baptism? Give me a break.

So much 80's/90's goodness. Looks hilariously awesome!

Damnit, I need to buy this now. When I first heard about this game I was very excited to finally see a new medroidvania style game. From what I heard from that video, this game is EXACTLY what I was looking for.

Holy hell! Is that entire building the restaurant? It's massive!

Speaking of the choices in Infinite...(semi-spoilers)...

Too bad Red Dead Redemption isn't a Japanese game. Would have been at the top of the list. Great horse riding in that game.

This is hilariously blatant haha I love it.

"I got legitimately emotional over God Only Knows."

I love how this emphasizes how horribly slow the current OS is haha. Glad they're fixing it though, although it's still not great.

You should try out Fez. That has some good "figure it the fuck out" puzzles. I even got out the ol' pencil and paper a few times.

I smoke regularly, now and when I was in college and I did and am doing fine. I have a full-time job that I love, I own a house, I exercise regularly (just lost 25 lbs, and counting) I have awesome friends and the love life is even beginning to look good too.

"(Note: the estate of George Washington "expressed no opposition" to the Assassin's Creed III DLC, probably because they are not insane.)"