"Sony would be materially hurt if its console blocked used games and competitor consoles from Microsoft and Nintendo did not,"

RISK!! I love Risk. Best board game, ever. What's Legacy? I looked it up and it looks a lot like the original Risk board that I have. My version of Risk is kind of old though so maybe legacy is the "HD Remake" of the original game?

A similar thing happened to me with a white robed player. I had the same reaction, it made me love the game on a level I didn't think was possible.

This list is basically all multiplatform games. Couldn't Kotaku tailor it to just exclusives? I guess 360 doesn't actually have that many, excluding XBLA games of course.

DAMNIT! I just bought XCOM like 2 days ago for around $36.


Well, I'm not sure if Kirk composed the song I was just saying that it could be his theme music. Let's call it "Kirk's Korner"

Yea I think it's great. It's like Kirks own theme music haha It's got a little Mr. Rogers vibe to it haha.

Yeesh, with in-laws like that...during the holidays...I feel for ya haha.

Yea that was my point by saying they must have some kind of retail/manufacture connections somewhere in order for it not to be a waste. They need to get rid of those fast if they don't want to get caught. You can't exactly hide 7,000 Wii U's for too long before anyone notices lol.

"you kids these days with all your online sites" what? I mentioned selling them off the street and the black market. I've been around before the internet, believe me lol.

These people have to have some kind of connections with over-seas retailers or something. There's no way they could sell SEVEN THOUSAND Wii U's on the black market, ebay and craigslist AND not get caught.

"It lacks traditional and even nontraditional song structures" why does a song have to abide by a certain set of rules? That's art down to the T, pushing boundaries and changing what's "normal."

The only reason Diablo 3 is first: "How to fix Diablo 3 error code:1827364948"

Give me a break. They've been making game trailers like movie trailers for years now. This "connection" was just made because of the article Kirk posted earlier today about The Hobbit.

My opinion of this movie has be "meh" ever since I heard it was coming out. The Hobbit is a MUCH smaller book than The Lord of the Rings. It, by any means, should never have been made into three movies, it's just plain ridiculous. I hope the movies flop if only to "stick it to" the greedy corporate drones that want to

No, this is the longest console generation. Discontinuing a console is not considered the end of that generation. It's when the next console for that company comes out. Which makes the NES's lifespan actually very short, at about 4 years.

Absolutely. I love that about the Wii U. I posted about that a week or so ago, talking about how I loved playing Mario on the gamepad. But when I'm playing on my TV I want to ability to be able to use the Wii remote or Pro controller. It's just a lot easier to control the character and that's a big benefit when you're

Team Ramrod!

My question/concern is: Can I still play this solo and possibly without the gamepad? I like the gamepad and all, but playing a side-scroller with it is less than ideal...for me at least.