I'd actually vote for the left or middle one and specifically not the one on the right haha.

The Bob Loblaw Law Blog.



Man, I really wish I could read this. I don't want to spoil it though. The opening sequence to Bioshock was awesome and I don't want to ruin that with Bioshock Infinite.


I was just about to comment on this article asking how Portal 2 wasn't mentioned. Not only is there high-fives, there's hugs, dancing, waving, and other things I can't remember lol.

I would have liked to see in what ways these things have influenced the game. Like for example "Roller coasters inspired me to create the rail-system in Bioshock Infinite"

Yea, I think it kind of forces you to try gametypes that you normally wouldn't try either. Although, I agree with CaptainGoodman on one aspect, Team Snipers and Grifball should proooobably be one of the permanent playlists.

So it's idiotic because they got rid of your favorite gametypes? It's not 343's fault that you like those gametypes more than others.

343 has done a great job at keeping things fresh. They add a new playlist every week, they have weekly Spartan Ops episodes, Weekly challenges(yes I know, these were in previous Halo's) and now tournaments that anyone can join.

It's possible because he probably shares it with his "posse"

You unlock pretty much everything you'll ever need in Halo 4 in the first 10 levels. I'm sorry but this article should be way more focused on COD than Halo. I understand why Halo is included in the article but this all becomes a moot point after level 10 or so. And it takes about 20-30 games to get to level 10 and I'm

That's why you open the link/email with your iPhone. No possible way of getting a virus that way :)

I have to completely disagree. If you meet someone other than your spouse and you would rather be with them and would like to further that interaction/relationship then you end it with your spouse. Immediately.

It was a semi-joke dude, calm down.

Yea, that's unfortunate that it's a PAL SNES.

"Especially since it also comes with a Super Mario World cartridge."

Maybe they just tend to review games that will probably be pretty good. That yes is pretty much anywhere between a 65-100 on other gaming site scales so it's a large margin.

Mine's kind of boring. Back in freshman year of high school I was really into Boondock Saints. One of the main characters had a tattoo on his hand that read "Veritas." Which means truth in Latin so I liked that about the name as well. I'm a very truthful person I speak what's on my mind, so I thought it fit well.