Do what? Play wii bowling? So do my friends and I, well...like you, we used to... haven't in awhile. What I was saying was that there should be a wii sports bowling with a pixelated big lebowski theme it would be amazing.

Me neither, I went to see spiderman this past weekend (not my idea) and I saw that moonrise kingdom was playing (since it's been on limited release, I didn't expect it to be playing near me) So I'm going to try and see it this weekend. I know my one buddy wants to see it, he actually texted me and asked me if I wanted

How awesome would this be as a mod/sequel to wii sports bowling. I suggest wii bowling because regular bowling games are boring as shit, wii bowling is actually fun.

haha I hate law and order.

"Most people like Michael Bay movies over Wes Anderson... but..."

Most 3 letter acronyms you say the letters. FBI, CIA, DEA...

Sidebar seems perfect for this type of post/column/whatever-you-want-to-call-this

I agree, its ridiculous. That's the sole reason they put that warning message up on the screen. So that you don't corrupt your data. It's their own damn fault if they lose data or the game crashes.

You should really give some of the older games a try (especially SNES games). The games back then were VERY different from games now(at least when compared to AAA games). Games back then focused almost solely on gameplay(aka fun). Also, it's good to get to know your roots and the history behind gaming.

I second what Zombie711 said, great show, watch it. love it. cherish it.

If you use chrome and have a google/gmail account it will sync all that stuff already. I just reformatted my compute a couple weeks ago and this worked like a charm when I isntalled chrome again. I synced it with my gmail account and all my bookmarks, passwords, ect. were there.

hahaha that's hilarious! Have they left already? You should really turn up the heat tonight if they are still staying at your house. Just let the profanities fly!

On top of that, I love the slogan at the end "Best gamer in the world" haha

Not sure how valid it is but that Microsoft/xbox business document that surfaced a few days ago mentioned something about Kinect 2.0.

My turtle Beach X41's are perfect for what you want but I'm not sure they sell them anymore(and they're for xbox). Anyways, check out their site, they have great wireless headsets.

Yea I, at the very least, want to accomplish that.

"The Salt Factory. I also am playing on PC with a keyboard."

I realize that...I never said to get rid of the disk drive completely. I was saying that it should be an option for every game rather than the very small list of downloadable full retail games on Xbox live.

The real question you should be asking is why can't I just download any game I want to my console instead of dealing with the disk period. Then you would never have to change disks.

Sounds like a pretty hefty storm. Hopefully you have some kind of portable system to pass the time because your power will probably go out lol.