People really don't know the difference? That preposterous where I'm from.

These are awesome!

I hope you have since played at least one of the newer Zelda's the whole way through. They really are great games, you just need to give them a chance. 15/20 minutes is nothing close to a chance.

It truly is that simple.

It's hard to say because I'm a pretty low level in my DH and WD so I can't really have much of an opinion on those classes. But, I actually would say Wizard is my favorite at the moment.

"But I'm thoroughly amused with how the barb smashes everything and throws everything across the screen!!"

I'm interested in knowing what the other 3 over-rated pieces of crap are.

Ditto what Stinkypp7 said, damn you Kirk, damn you.

That. Sounds. AMAZING!

I usually get burnt out fairly quickly with games, for some reason Diablo 3 has been keeping me interested since day one.

I just checked out the article on Jez after seeing your comment...my reaction to that article: "What the hell are you talking about Jezebel"

" I'll sit back and sip my smoothie on the easier sections of hell."

Waxes? Please...continue.

It's really not, not anymore than any other online multiplayer game (i.e. a tiny bit of lag maybe every half hour or so)

That's crazy, I feel like I've played non-stop although I have skipped a few days since launch and I'm only like level 54 Monk, although I have like 3 other characters one being lvl 30 wizard. I think I have around 100 hours though.

I know how an Auction works...the "current bid" was at $200.

Holy shit! Teach me your ways master.

That would be a great idea, but are you actually able to trade items between servers the Asian and American servers?

I'm pretty sure it's done through paypal or something similar.

I was checking it out last night and it amazes me how much people are paying for some of this stuff. I'm not sure if maybe it's fake or hacked or something but some items were going for around $200, which is insane for an item in a game that that person has probably already beaten multiple times.