"Video games need a middleground market like film."

I worked it out like this, parks and rec is funnier (not by a whole lot) but community adds in TV and Movie references everywhere which gives it a +1 from me, that's why I see them as equally great shows.

I agree, already were seeing signs of graphics hitting a wall in terms of improvements. Yea there's room to improve but not THAT much. At the rate at which technology is improving, I think you're right, graphics will no longer be a selling point to a game. Which really is a great thing.

I just watched the whole series again the past week and a half and it has been confirmed, Arrested Development is still my favorite TV comedy...with Parks and rec and community in a tie for second.

"Some people have been saying that the Wii U gamepad is not multitouch, so i don't see myself typing letter by letter"...as opposed to what? typing out words by mashing every letter in the word all at once? You inherently have to type letter-by-letter.

That sounds phenomenal, I work in IT here in the States and sometimes dealing with customers is ridiculous. They, for one, expect you to know everything about anything dealing with computers, including random programs that about a total of 100 people use in the entire world (as an example).

No...you sir, are a genius!

PvP is my reason to keep playing, well at least preparing for when it comes out. That's one of the reasons why I keep playing...that, and it's fun to play with friends. I'm not as far as you though I'm in Act II on Hell. That's with my lvl 54 Monk, I also have a lvl 30 Wizard. I think I may roll a Demon Hunter

ahh "fart knocker", one of the 90's classics along with "butthead" and "da bomb". The good ol' days.

Did you actually read the whole article?

It's not like it hasn't been done before.

It's deep in the sense that each class is fairly different from another. So playing it through on multiple characters gives the game a different feel with each character. In other words, no it's not like WoW where every class is exactly alike.

The community submits artwork from the public domain each month, so it's usually older art and then they are tasked with integrating that piece of art into something that deals with video games. Then they submit the photoshopped images for the daily TAY forum. Each month a new piece of art is used.

You most likely can get like a netgear or linksys to extend your wifi but they might not work as great as you'd like them too. This is of course assuming that you plan on receiving the signal from the airport wirelessly and then extending that...If you plan on(or can) run a ethernet cable to the extender from your

I realize that...all I was trying to say is that if the devs strive for more realism than they already are...we would have games like I was explaining above (die in 2 minutes due to a gunshot would). It was a half joking half serious comment. Basically what I'm trying to say is that the games that are the most fun are

I don't understand why devs always strive for the realistic. Realistic is boring as hell. If a game was like real life, you would get shot/stabbed/fall off a cliff/etc. once and the game would be over in about 2 minutes.


Yet another story where, somehow, the media will skew it into blaming video games for this.

Now playing

Just wait until he starts using his name as a pun.

I think your missing my sarcasm there...