This is me telling you it was a coincidence.
This is me telling you it was a coincidence.
I just want to let you know, a lot of these complaints are completely blown out of proportion. In the past week and a half I've played just about every night and only one of those nights (Tuesday night) I couldn't log on, and even when that happened I just waited about 30 minutes and I was in and played for the rest…
Fahey, what in the world are those angel wings that you have at 1:19?!? They look AWESOME.
Amen brother, I was thinking the same thing.
Like Eltigro said, that's an impossible question for me to answer. There's no way I could choose...I probably couldn't even nail it down to a top five or even 10. There's portal 2, halo 1, bastion, journey, SotC, Super Mario World, Link to the Past, Super Metroid...I could go on and on.
Thanks for that quick explanation, sounds like a pretty awesome game, I'll most definitely get the demo at the very least.
Diablo has eaten me alive but before that happened, Awesomenauts intrigued me but I have yet to try it.
Is this supposed to be sarcasm?
There is some truth to that statement...I just beat it on normal and continued with my lvl 33 Monk on Nightmare and the game seems A LOT more fun. I'm not sure if it's the increased difficulty that adds to the game or having all of my awesome skills from the beginning of the game but it's even more fun than it already…
I was thinking the same thing haha. So true.
It actually does more than you think, check out the video WSNeo posted above.
Crowdsourcing baby! Such a genius idea. I heard this a while ago but forgot about it, thanks for the refresher.
Tell me about it! Blizzard is the only party benefiting from the online DRM stupidness.
"You forgot the number 1 thing before you start the new game. ALWAYS go to settings or options. Take time to set that up so you get the most optimal experience."
I read tip 10 like this "If it's a multiplatform game and it doesn't make a difference whether you play on console or PC(and your computer can handle it), then play it on PC."
I'm sorry but if you feel bad/guilty about staying home when you're sick, something is very wrong with you and/or your work culture.
Just because a game is colorful and not "realistic" looking doesn't mean the graphics are bad. Like mdrewitt said, you need to get your eyes checked.
That would piss me off SOOO much if the guy just automatically tacked on the DLC to my order. What a conniving little shit. Did he actually think you wouldn't notice that he charged you $90 instead of $60. What a dickhead.
" Having non class specific loot drops encourages me to try out other classes to use the items and also be kind to other players I encounter."
I'm not always a completionist but when it comes to Diablo, I do the same thing you do. I can't continue unless every part of the map is revealed. Gotta get that loot!