Why is this off topic? this is about games and a very valid question.

We've waited 12 years for Diablo 3, that happened. I guarantee HL3 will happen as well. Just stop complaining and play other games for the time being.

The old design does look SOOO much like Ellen Page, so much so it's kind of weird.

I had a very interesting night, last night.

I kind of wondered the same thing. I had a sword equipped on my Monk for a bit but it still looked like he was just punch everyone still. Not sure if the sword was doing anything at all. I think I'm going to stick to knuckles/claws from now on.

Oh ok, yea I wasn't sure if it would work or not, just an idea.

Damn! So you beat the game already?

I completely agree with everything you said. Sure it was annoying but I ended up getting about a 2 hour session in, which is a good night for me. So I'm happy.

Possible remedy could be to set up a proxy in America. Maybe it'll trick Diablo 3 into thinking you're in the Americas.

thank you,

Haha well...I TRIED to get up at 5...that...didn't work out too well...

Something interesting just happened.

As long as it's ready to go when I get home at 5:30 I'll be a happy camper.

It's not really that the servers aren't working it's the fact that they were getting overloaded. There's not much Blizzard can do about that except build more servers to handle the extra load. But I'm guessing they skimped on that because they knew that after launch day things would slow down and allow the servers

That's actually a pretty good idea. Actually didn't think of that.

So I planned on playing Diablo III at Midnight tonight then I saw on Blizzards site that the servers won't go online until midnight pacific time, and I'm on the east coast which means 3 am for me, and with work 3 am just isn't happening for me...does anyone know perhaps if this only means the servers for multiplayer

I assume you're talking about Diablo 3...I think you actually answered a question I had.

" just bought a house, and we still have to get a new fridge and curtains for it, among other things"

haha yea I figured you wouldn't run into that issue.

No problem...another small tip, if you're not sure which drive is the SSD when the installation asks you, look at the size of the drive. Unless the SSD and the HDD are the same size, it should be pretty easy to tell which one is the SSD.