Maybe try switching it up. Go retro for a little. Fire up some emulators and play some old games that you've heard are good but have never played. I was in the same situation a month or so ago and to fix it I started playing retro games and it kind of rekindled my love for video games.

It's absolutely worth it. Land of the Livid Dead is one of the hardest levels I have ever played in a video game and, appropriately, the most rewarding experience when I beat it.

I think the way to solve this would be having peer-to-peer networking infrastructure. This way, there will always be a game available, as long as people are playing the game.

I second this speakup idea, this is a good piece for some great discussion.

I thought the same thing at first...if you take a closer look you realize the "dirt" is just the color of the wood that the creator used.

haha that's actually an amazing idea.

Seriously, that's the first thing I noticed about that video. What the hell is he doing on that show haha came out of nowhere.

I played both Diablo 1 and 2 solo so I think it's safe to say that D3 should still be fun to play solo.

Hell yea, just two weeks.

Seriously, same here.

Yes, Rayman Origins is worth $30.

Don't get me wrong this is really cool but does anyone else think this looks REALLY shitty? It just looks really cheap to me.

"Who the hell decided that furniture had to be so expensive?"

I have to give you props on platnuming Rayman Origins, the Land of the Livid Dead is one of the most ridiculously hard levels I've ever played and it felt SO good when I finally beat it.

10,000 kudos' to you sir for being excited for Moonrise Kingdom, I LOVE Wes Anderson films.

When you say wirelessly I assume you have a wireless router and both computers are connected to the router? If my assumptions are correct, here's what you do.

That same thing happened to me. There were parts of Journey were I just sat there staring at the TV with my mouth either wide open or with a huge smile on my face. The perfect blending of the music, visuals and the, for lack of a better word, journey that this game takes you through.

Journey does that exact thing, for me at least.

Anyone remember always having to flick up the wired controllers in order to get a little more slack while you're playing?

Yea I wanted to add to my post earlier but didn't have time. I wanted to add that, like you said, I think him "not getting it" had something to do with me being there in the room.I think the magic happens when you're actually sitting there at your house alone playing the game and then you discover a fellow traveler.