RAM also isn't everything. But you also have to factor in that RAM is extremely cheap nowadays and it won't be difficult for Microsoft to put a good amount of RAM in the machine.

I love this.

That's what weirdos call soda...you guys are weird, weirdos.

Widescreen SNES games would be AMAZING!

I thought it was a pretty good game. I played it for a week straight but then I grew bored of it. I think the key to really enjoying it is playing it co-op, that's just a guess though, I haven't played it co-op.

I see what you're saying about HL1, it is a horrible looking game, but it really is a good game if you give it a chance. That being said, like I said before, if you go back to some of the classic SNES games, those graphics actually hold up damn well. The PS1/2 and xbox 1 era (aka around when HL1 came out) do look

Great song, one of my favorites.

Try some SNES games, some may surprise you. Also, graphics are FAR from everything that's good about games.

haha I was going to say the same thing.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about. Thank you, now I can install it and get rid of the constant spinning of the disk.

I know this is kind of off topic, but does anyone know if any of the new patches fixed the problem with installing Skyrim on the xbox?

I second what Pastaman said, people are very competitive and random doesn't help with that.

I posted this exact question for speak up a few months ago and got no love, uncool Kotaku, uncool.

ok, good lol I saw your comment and my faith in the American public died a little bit.

"maybe I should consider voting republican in order to avoid this sort of thing from gaining traction."

I hated the ship yard, for the sole reason of me having to run/swim around that damn place for almost a half an hour trying to find where the hell to go after I killed all of the enemies. If only I had freekin looked up...

That's going a little extreme. There are plenty of great single player games that are out now or are coming out. Skyrim, Portal 2, Rayman Origins, batman arkham city, Assassins creed, uncharted 3...I'm not quite sure how you missed all of these great single player games?? (yes rayman origins has the option to play

haha I got a chuckle out of the "real numbers" comment. Especially since everywhere else in the world uses Celsius, we Americans are the only weird ones who use Fahrenheit and pounds and such.

I agree, that was an awesome boss battle, in my top 3 in the entire game. Picking up those massive swords and slicing that damn cistern apart was just plain gaming bliss.
