Damn that guy's good, did he die, like, at all? That's insane, I remember getting near the end of that game and dieing a million times, it made beating it that much greater though, first time I beat megaman 2 was one of the best feelings ever, gaming wise.

First of all, more like cellphone games? You couldn't me more wrong, how are bastion, insanely twisted shadow planet, from dust and trine 2 like cell phone games...at all? If they were like cell phone games then they would be released on ios and android as well.

I never said A Link to the Past is my favorite, I have no idea which is my favorite, it is a great game though.

I completely agree with you 100% on the fact that some 2D games should be and currently are on par with 3D games, but unfortunately that's not what most people think. Which is why I suggested it be a downloadable title. Which if that did happen, yea, it would suck, but it wouldn't take away from the fact that I would

True, but maybe it could be a downloadable title or something. That would certainly bring in some sales and shine some light on Nintendo's online store and possibly bring in revenue from other downloadable games in the process. Especially since nowadays many people don't even consider a 2D game unless it's a cheap

I just finished Skyward Sword and I thought it was an awesome game, that being said, it got me thinking which Zelda is the best ever. After much thought I came to the conclusion that I couldn't really choose because the Zelda series evolved from a 2D dungeon crawler to a 3D full-on adventure. So it's kind of like

It's not too long, if I remember correctly it probably took me about 4 or 5 hours. I'm not exactly sure though because I kind of played it in spurts. hour here, hour there kind of thing.

haha that was ridiculous and the guy getting his dick chopped off by a pizza boomerang just takes it to a WHOLE other level haha.

That funny you posted this, I JUST saw this episode yesterday, on Hulu.

That's an awesome idea!But I agree with Archaotic, it won't happen. It's a shame though it would 'attract' (get it?) me to Disney Park again.

Quick google search came up with this:

Portal 2 was my GOTY but I'm interested in The Witcher 2, I keep seeing people say they love it. Is the Witcher 1 a requirement to play witcher 2? I wanna give it a try, although, I'm not sure my circa 2006 computer can handle it.

"Then came Portal 2, at first I asked myself, wtf? why is there even a Portal 2? there doesn't need to be a Portal 2."

Congrats Totilo, I'm interested in seeing what changes you have in store for us in the coming months.

While you're totally right in saying that fun factor really is the most important thing about a game, the problem is that not everyone thinks the same things are fun. Which is why having a GOTY is pointless there's going to be so many different GOTY votes that it makes everything moot.

I can see what you're saying, so maybe more of the less-experienced gamers then. Like the people that play COD and only COD they might enjoy it and realize that there are more games than just military shooters.

See I think the pacing part is a lot about the player. In other words it's a lot about how fast you solve the puzzles. So maybe later in the game the puzzles got too difficult or too long and it made it seem more like it was draaaaging along.

Mature people will play a game they absolutely hate multiple times? (3 times now?) lol No, mature people will realize they hate the game and move on, a lot of the time because they have better things to do than play a game, that they hate, multiple times. I can understand if you 'gave it another chance' if you

I couldn't have said it better myself, well said.

I assume you're directing this comment to me.