It's definitely the former, everybody just pre-ordered on Origin.
It's definitely the former, everybody just pre-ordered on Origin.
Great game! I spent hours playing that game this weekend. Very fun. Now I need to convince my friends to buy it to play some co-op, which is probably even more fun.
Damnit Totilo, after reading that, I have no choice but to buy this game. My wallet hurts.
Cue Valve time jokes...
Come oooooon Blizzard, give me a release date!
You're completely right, shouldn't have added the being a republican part. Read what I replied to weaponized with.
My apologies, shouldn't have added the "being a republican" part. I've had a crazy week and have recently run into a few hardcore republicans that seem to be against something just because their not supposed to be for it, overlooking the actual facts of the matter.
"when these idiots decided to kickstart their pitiful 'revolution'?"
I think that's exactly what's happening/going to happen. That's my guess as to why episode 3 or half-life 3 is taking so long. They wanted to create a new engine for it. Which is also why I'm leaning more towards thinking that it's going to be a fully blown game (aka half-life 3) rather than episode 3.
Yea, Portal 2 was a surprisingly beautiful game. As you can see by my avatar it is also one of my favorite games.
haha kudos to that comment.
Thank you spatoola, I wish I could comment on you're post but this stupid new minimum letters thing is ridiculous.
You beat it in one day? Damn, I wish I had that much time on my hands. Fuck you world for requiring me to get a job after a certain age.
Ditto to what Bardler said.
I've never heard of it being scary as hell, I've heard it being hard as hell, not scary though. I'm about 2 hours in and I haven't noticed anything scary about it.
Am I missing something? Is there supposed to be a slideshow/photo reel for this post. I only see one picture. I would have thought there would have been a few pics showing the bathroom.
Regarding your rand: no idea why they changed it... but I just wanted to say that a mars factory is about 5 minutes from where I work and every other day or so the whole town smells like chocolate chip cookies (aka Chocolate) it's amazing :)
You actually think all reviewers are professional? That's very far from the truth and I think that EA was a little worried about that exact fact. I'm not condoning EA's behavior but they have reason to worry if a COD fanboy were to review their game.
5th playthrough? Jesus, how many hours have you played that game?
HDMI only? You can get component cable adapters for the new 360 slims. In fact, you can use the component cable adapter that you're currently using for your old 360.