Interesting thought, but I don't think there's enough there for a game. It sounds pretty boring to me and I'm very open minded when it comes to games.
Interesting thought, but I don't think there's enough there for a game. It sounds pretty boring to me and I'm very open minded when it comes to games.
Yoda?! Is that you?!!
Just a heads up, that meal is far from healthy. Those noodles aren't even close to good for you. Granted, it is healthier than a McDonald's meal, but what home cooked meal isn't?
Keep in mind that NYC pizza is large even in an American's eyes. Also, no one ever finishes those sodas, at least no one I know. And if they do finish it, it's over a long period of time, not over the course of the meal.
Yea, I agree I would have loved to see turf.
Especially with the new capped data limits that almost all carriers are implementing I think that the tethering should absolutely be free.
You're right, how did I forget that.
Yea, Headlong is the halo 2 map I was thinking of. I just looked it up. So far they have announced: Battle Creek, Hang em high, damnation, Timberland (halo PC map, not sure how I feel about that), Prisoner and Headlong.
That's great I'm glad you had fun and I'm glad you know when and when not to play video games. Some people don't know.
Does anyone know the full list of what maps they are putting in this anniversary game? I know of battle creek, hang em high and damnation. I assume Blood Gulch. I know there's a halo 2 map.
haha, wow, has anyone checked out their site? It looks like it came straight out of the early '90s.
Hopefully finishing Dead Island. I haven't been doing much gaming lately so it's been taking me awhile to get through Dead Island, especially with all of the side quests I'm doing.
Check out Sublethalend post below in this TAY thread (you are going to have to click on show earlier discussions a couple times to get to it) He describes the difficulty pretty well.
I can't speak from experience (I have demon souls but have only played like an hour) but my general idea of the game (after reading peoples reactions to it) was that it was the opposite of what you're saying. People have been saying that it's hard but it's hard in a fair way. In other words if you play strategically…
It's funny when people on the internet have the reading skills of a 4th grader. I never said the iPhone 4S was better.
I wouldn't say far better. Bigger screen does not equal better. The iPhone 4/4s screen is amazing. The resolution is crazy.
Portal 2, Deus Ex, Gears of war 3, Batman:AC, Skirim, skyward sword, BF3, MW3, Crysis 2, Mortal Kombat, Witcher 2, Infamous 2, Forza 4, Dark Souls, Uncharted 3, Super Mario 3D Land, Bastion, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet.
Don't game at the wedding, have fun. Check out the girls/guys (depending on your gender and sexual preference) You'll have plenty of time in your life to game. Weddings are for having fun, dancing and meeting girls/guys.
You have every right to gloat about that. That's freekin' awesome!