You're problem was you didn't do "Transfer purchases" before you upgraded. I upgraded my phone with no problems, you always lose your music, it's a given. It allows for the upgrade to go faster, Apple figures you will have that music on your computer anyways.

Don't think of him as Dan Conner from Roseanne, think of him as Walter Sobchak from The Big Lebowski, one of the best movies of all time. Maybe it'll change your perspective.

Yea, I thought of that, but that wasn't my plan. I wanted to be able to stream the movies from it like you can with Dropbox.

I can't believe I forgot about Mass Effect 3 and Diablo 3, shame on me. But, even with those games I still don't think it competes with this year.

2012's going to be damn good too. Bioshock: Infinite looks amazing. Then you have Halo 4 and The Last Guardian. I don't know though, there has been, and will be, A LOT of great releases this year: Portal 2, Deus Ex, Gears of war 3, Batman:AC, Skirim, skyward sword, BF3, MW3, Crysis 2, Mortal Kombat, Witcher 2,

haha YES, I'm so glad someone brought this up. Great episode last night. Out of last nights episodes of the Office, Always Sunny and Parks and Rec, I laughed the hardest watching Parks and Rec.

But, it's the same EXACT type of service. There are plenty of other things that you can put things in. You have to be blind to think that it's just a coincidence.

I can't wait to see the frankenreview (or whatever it's called) for this game. I just got my gameinformer in the mail yesterday and they gave the game a freekin' 10.

I'm calling it now, the third installment will have co-op. They gotta leave something out of this game so there's something to entice gamers for the third one, right?

Why didn't I think about that, yea that could absolutely work. Good luck!

Yea I use dropbox too, I figured another 50 GB from Box.net couldn't hurt. Don't you love how Box.net is very similar to dropbox, the name I mean. Makes you think.


Nice pic! E-A-G-L...ahh forget it, we suck.

Very true, and now I can direct my friends to this post rather than explaining it to every one of them. Like many others on this site, I'm "the computer guy" to all of my friends and family which means I not only get questions about computers, I get them for phones, gaming systems, tablets, gps's, networking

Thanks for the tips!

I'm sorry I might have read your post a little wrong. You mentioned wifi... does that mean there is no direct Ethernet connection? (Ethernet cords look like a large phone cord) If you don't have an ethernet connection then I can't help you. If you do though send me a message sometime, I might be able to help you out.

2 questions. How did you get the 4 apps in one thing in the taskbar? Like you have chrome, firefox, opera and IE all in one button. Also, how did you get the trashcan in the taskbar?

This post would have help out a hell of a lot more if it was posted yesterday rather than today haha. I ran into the same problem and was terrified to take the leap and update. Thank god for Google. My iPhone is now updated (with everything intact) and iOS 5 is very nice.

Well there weren't really any strings to pull, the only advantage I have is that when I see a house I want to look at he can just take me to look at it that day. Instead of having to set up an appointment with a realtor and such.

It's been freeking raining non-stop for the past few months here in PA. We've actually hit an all-time record for yearly precipitation this year... yes, I said ALL-TIME RECORD, meaning since they began recording rainfall. Luckily last week was pretty nice.