I have some Turtle Beach X41's, they're one of the best investments I ever made. Crank the volume up to 10(okay maybe like 8, you don't want your ears to bleed...or do you?) and enjoy the ride.
I have some Turtle Beach X41's, they're one of the best investments I ever made. Crank the volume up to 10(okay maybe like 8, you don't want your ears to bleed...or do you?) and enjoy the ride.
I'm about to move out too, I'm so fucking excited. I'm actually buying a house (my dad's an appraiser/Realtor and won't ever let me rent) I plan on doing the same thing when I finally move in. Not sure the game of choice will be Dark Souls though, I'm thinking more along the lines of Skyward Sword. All I have to say…
Where do you go to school? I had the same issue when I was in college and living in the dorms(I went to Penn State). I got lucky that a guy down the hall was a junior (This was when I was a freshman) and he already knew how to bypass this.
Just about everyone on this site is getting faced with the same exact problem. Some people are even in worse shape because on top of the games you mentioned they also want, skyrim, COD, Arkham City, halo anniversary, and I'm sure I'm missing some games. I want all of those games, unfortunately I'm in the process of…
Batman, no contest. I feel like the Avengers will end up being "just another super hero movie"
If "that's called a computer" then all gaming consoles are computers also, which would make greatsage's argument about the ps3 lasting long because it's not a computer, moot.
No worries, I need to think before I spea...err...comment.
You make some valid points (unlike, greatsage up above).
First I'd like to say, when you quote someone, you are actually supposed to quote exactly what they say I never said "the millions of people who own Macs" I said "the millions of people that own iPhones, iPads, iPods and Macs", VERY big difference.
I was just going to say the same thing. You have to use the liners anyways, why get the tin out also. The liners can stand on their own without the tin.
haha I died when I read your comment, well said.
I'm right THERE with you. One of my biggest pet peeves. Also, then and than, when people mix those up it really bothers me even more than the there/their/they're problem. I mean come on, then and than even sound different when you say them.
Where are you getting the $150/hour figure?
Ben506 is right, it is today, sorry about that. I got caught in the, "everything is released on Tuesday's" state of mind.
Lets just say that Portal 3 will not be on the current generation of consoles.
Yes, the general public doesn't equal everyone, your right, but it's still a hell of a lot of people. All of the millions of people that own iPhones, iPads, iPods and Macs would not scoff at the idea of having an apple device driving their entertainment system and including gaming in that mix would not be difficult.…
All of you Apple haters saying that this will never happen are overlooking something very important. The casual crowd, even more-so, the non-gamers.
I long for the day when Portal 3 gets released. I know, I know, they haven't announced it yet. But, come on, you know it will happen...sadly, due to Valve time, we won't see that game for another, ehh, 20 or 30 years... yep, yep, that sounds about right.
I don't care how old you are, sitting in an automatic car wash will never get old.