If they're both made by the same company they're probably made with the same game engine. Ever notice that the UI's and menu/quest sounds for Red Dead Redemption look/sound a lot like Grand Theft Auto 4? (they're both made by Rockstar)
If they're both made by the same company they're probably made with the same game engine. Ever notice that the UI's and menu/quest sounds for Red Dead Redemption look/sound a lot like Grand Theft Auto 4? (they're both made by Rockstar)
How have you had the same 20 tabs in the same position for the past 3 years? Do you have the browser open those same tabs every time you open it (kind of like a homepage) or have you actually had your computer turned on and the browser opened for the past 3 years straight? I'm not poking fun, just curious.
I'm gonna go ahead and guess Dark Souls, judging by the "this game made me its bitch" statement.
One of the reasons you give for not liking a game is because it has subtitles? What the hell? Even if that were a valid complaint (which it isn't) I'm almost positive you can turn the subtitles off.
What?...Sony is the WORST company when it comes to proprietary hardware. The PS3's hard drive is just one exception.
While the game has already went gold (no more changes will be made until the game is release, via online patches) that doesn't mean changes can't be made on their servers. That was the reason for the beta, so they could test their dedicated servers. It is also the reason they were able to have the beta so close to…
hahaha awesome.
Pacman championship edition DX has REALLY easy achievements although it doesn't give you that many points because it's an arcade game instead of a full retail game. But, it is a really fun game anyways so it's worth getting even without the gamerscore points.
I read FPS action and linear storyline and the game I immediately thought of that should be an awesome game with those attributes was Bioshock Infinite. Then I read that you don't want RPG elements...Halo 4 maybe? Or you could always go with Battlefield 3 or MW 3.
I say this to everyone who mentions ICO/SoTC HD on here so I'll say it to you too...Enjoy the shit out of that! I'm so jealous you get to experience that for the firs time, and it HD.
I can't wait to get my Zelda on. There's nothing like a Zelda game, you just can't compare it to anything else. It has the certain feel, that you can't get anywhere else. I've been anxiously waiting for this game since Twilight Princess, and I'm excited.
I agree, this looks AMAZING and I want to experience as much as I can for the first time while I'm playing it, not before I playing it.
at the risk of someone else? he sat in line just like anyone else. He just did it in a different state. I'm just saying that you think differently when your life is on the line.
That article has to be the weakest argument I have ever seen. You're full of shit if you think you wouldn't do the exact same thing if you were in his situation and had the money to do it.
Because I didn't really like the Mario Kart for Wii, I'm not sure why though, I just didn't like it.
No I haven't, I'm not a fan of portable gaming. I barely even play games on my iPhone.
I'm so disappointed that this is a 3DS game. Mario kart is one of the best local multiplayer series ever. I remember playing double dash in college ALL THE TIME with friends. There's always last sec rushes to the finish, and you never know when a blue shell is coming after you until it's too late. So much fun.
Yea, I'm American.
ahh, I see what you did there ;)