One of the greatest entrepreneurs of our time.

LVGamer is right, 16 GB is crazy over kill for games, unless you're doing some very intensive video editing/graphic modeling.

I completely understand what I'm saying, the problem is you don't.

Ohhh, never heard them called that. Is that a British thing? Like the spelling of color/colour ?

If that pisses you off try playing Dead Island. The movement in that game is atrocious. The game is still awesome though.

All I have to say is that Dead Island was a pleasant surprise.

A couple more weeks? Damn, where do you live that it would take that long to get to your house?

damnit! I hate when cunt shaped spanners get thrown at me! Now, what the hell is a spanner?

I can't really help you because I haven't bought dark souls (yet) but I figured I'd respond since no one answered you yesterday. In the end it's going to be your decision to make, are YOU really going to regret not having an art book over waiting a week or so to play the game.

I agree with the others, Portal/Portal 2. Portal 2 might actually be the best choice because you can play co-op with them and kind of coach them through the experience. Not only coaching in a sense of showing them how to play but things like "Check this out" or "Try this" or "Listen to the dialogue, it's hilarious"

I was about to comment saying that your post is 80% the reason why thousands of gamers choose consoles over PC. But then I saw your ending sentence...i'm going to say it anyways...THIS is why thousands of people choose consoles over PC. I don't have a problem with PC's, nor am I a fanboy of any kind, just stating a

Listen to shagittarius, go with a credit union, screw fuckin large banks. Bank of America is one of the worst out of them all. If you've seen "Capitalism: A love story" you know what I mean.

I'm so glad you wrote a response to this Kirk, the more people realize that you can't believe everything you see/hear/read, the better.

I dunno, there's just something about Nathan Drake that I can't see as an anime character.

It's the iPhone 4s not 5.

It spoils(aka ruins) the story for Uncharted 2. I don't get why you don't understand that.

So the iPhone 4S was just announced and it's supposedly 7 times faster than the iPhone 4...that's insane!

I know that. I already beat Uncharted 2. It has no effect on me, not that I would watch the show anyways.

It's all of the cut scenes from uncharted 2...that's how it will ruin it. The entire games storyline will be spoiled for those who haven't played it. I don't understand what you don't get about that?

anime? I have nothing against anime but it's far from appropriate for something like Uncharted. I just don't see that working.