ICO/SOTC for $25?!?! damnit, must resist, must resist.

There's no way you're going to be able to do that. Not in a month and a half, but, go ahead, prove me wrong.

This build is from months ago they probably already have most of the glitches fixed by now. What about betas do people not understand.

Bastion is pretty good.

"License and registration, CHICKEN FUCKERS!"

EDIT: stupid pic won't post, damnit!

While I'll admit I text more than I call, which I'm sure is true for most people, I prefer to call too. Sometimes texting just takes to long.

Keep in mind, when changing your channel, that 1, 6 and 11 are usually the best channels to use. If most people are on 6 don't just change it to 7 or 5 because those channels are actually close enough in frequency that the routers on channel 6 will still interfere somewhat. I think Lifehacker had an article about a

I'm pretty sure the browser stuff is just for searching for servers.

I so fucking jealous of you right now. I wish I was playing my first play through of those games right now. Enjoy the shit out of those games. They're amazing.


All I have to say is that I agree and that I can't wait for Bioshock: Infinite.

On a somewhat relevant note, the Phillies broke their club record for regular season wins AND prevented the Braves from getting to the playoffs! HELL YEA!

punch out

Yea that happens to me a lot. You know what actually cured the issue somewhat? Exercise. I've recently started exercising a lot more than I used to and I've found that it puts me in a very good mood. And when I'm in a good mood I usually want to play video games.

While story is one of the most important aspects that I look for in a game and I agree that games need to pick up their game in the story department...did you ever stop and think that some people are praising these games because they're fun? I mean in the end, isn't that what a game is for, to enjoy yourself and have

Have you played the games before? If not, enjoy! and I'm extremely jealous that you get to experience them for the first time AND in HD. Both of those games are in my top 10 favorite ever. I can't wait for The Last Guardian.

Oh okay, I thought that pre-order early entry special was just for PC.

FYI, 720P is still technically HD.

You have to remember that usually when a beta is released to the public it is a month-or-so old build of the game. So some of the bugs you are seeing may have already been taken care of.